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    Monkey Mia Mia

    Aw Mia, so jealous! Monkey Mia would be lovely this time of year! I really want to go and swim with the dolphins up there. ^_^ Hope you're having an amazing time. :)
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    Perfect Match

    I'm gunna say Isabella & Kovu Lothorien because of their PB's. :r And because they'd be pretty cute. xD
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    That Awkward Moment When...

    OOC: The awkward moment when you meet Mia unexpectedly while you're working. xD
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    Take Care, Yeah?

    Life can be super tough some times, but I really hope that things work out okay for you. Everyone deserves a fresh start and all that. :) All the best Madz! Take care. :hugs:
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    Little Talks

    Taylor laughed, feeling giddy like only a fangirl could at Aeon talking about Superman. Aeon was so accepting of her secret obsession, she'd never really told anyone about it, except her family. She remembers showing Raff a few comics, but he was far too proper to get into them. He'd never...
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    Little Talks

    [font=georgia] Taylor watched Aeon try to smooth down his hair with some amusement and wondered how long he had been in his animagus form before she had arrived. "Well it is cool and totally mind-blowing, just in a freaky way," she winked back, a laugh escaping her. She felt as if a wave of...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Um, slate? Generally avoid isn't an option right?
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    Little Talks

    [font=georgia]Taylor scrunched up her nose in surprise when the dog barked and nuzzled her. It really was an adorable animal. She leaned back when the canine sat back and watched in surprise as its features began to shift and change. The animal stretched and grew bigger as the fur disappeared...
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    Perfect Match

    Cosette and Raffaelo. ^_^ Their names together sound like a brand of candy. How can that ever be a bad thing? :r Aw Kaitlyn you snuck in! Bryce and Rosie will be adorable! :wub:
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    Little Talks

    [font=georgia]When Taylor turned back to face the canine, it was looking up at her and Taylor swore she could sense some familiarity in the dog, although she was sure she had never met the animal in her life. She could have almost sworn the dog was looking at her in the same way too. Animals...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

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    Little Talks

    It was a rare occasion now for Taylor to be lying on her bed in Mercer Manor doing absolutely nothing. Of course, that hadn't been the case a few months prior, but after being accepted into a professional Quidditch team, Taylor had to spend most of her time practising or travelling. As seeker...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Oo, mate! Centaurs are awesome!
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    HNZ Skype Party

    This is such a good idea! Unfortunately it's in the middle of the night for me and although that normally wouldn't be a problem, i'll be jumping out of a plane the next day and probably shouldn't be tired for that. :r But hopefully there are more of these in the future! ^_^
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    Possibly? I can sometimes deal with subtitles and sometimes can't. TPBM is hot (temperature wise). ;)
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate! ^_^
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    Perfect Match

    [font=georgia]Hadan and Raffael. :r Maybe I'm a bit very bias, but they were cute together back in the day. :lol:
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    Hot or Not

    Australian / Out Of Ten Hey me too! It's kind of rare to find people from Australia at Hogwarts when there is so much diversity.<i></i>[i]
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    You're Still On My Lonely Mind

    [font=georgia][size=50]Taylor had almost expected there to be silence again between the two girls. Almost wanted it to be awkward again so then she wouldn't have to say anything else. However when the girl spoke, Taylor's head dropped even further. Taylor didn't really know what to say. They...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE
