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    Jumin Lee

    jumin noah l e e ------------------------------------------------------------ it can't be helped you keep getting childish ------------------------------------------------------------ FULL NAME: Jumin Noah Lee ETYMOLOGY: The name Jumin is of Korean origin and means "Heavenly gift...
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    Y30 Sorting and Transfers

    Gryffindor! I knew it was either going to be that or Slytherin, so I'm pretty happy I was more-or-less right about where he would end up. I'm pleased, it fits him well
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    Y30 Sorting and Transfers

    Just sorting the one this year and I can honestly see him in either Slytherin or Gryffindor. I'm leaning more towards Slytherin, but we shall see. I don't really think he's cut out for Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw xD
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    Take Your Kid to Work

    "Well, how was I supposed to know that you grew up in a completely magical community?" It was not like he had been privy to that sort of information about this girl, for all he knew, she could have grown up around Muggles, but apparently that was not the case and she'd never even seen a Muggle...
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    Take Your Kid to Work

    He was a little taken aback when she was so excited about the fact that his mum was a Muggle. He'd never thought it was that big of a deal, but clearly, this girl thought that was fascinating and led Jumin to believe that she might have never even met a Muggle before. "So you didn't grow up...
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    Hot or Not

    Short OutOfTen So, what's it like being the same height as kids?
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    100000/10 I love L.Joe :wub:
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    Take Your Kid to Work

    "I normally help with my parents, when my dad says it's too dangerous to be around I stay home with my mum and help her. She's a muggle florist," though he much preferred helping his father. He got to see all kinds of magical creatures and one day when he was older, he wanted to be a famous...
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    Take Your Kid to Work

    He was actually at a loss as to what he was supposed to do with this girl. Jumin just stood there for a moment, staring after his parents as they left to get on with their work before his dark eyes found the girl again, just offering her a small smile. "My dad brings me here sometimes, yeah," he...
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    Take Your Kid to Work

    Jumin spent most of his days helping his parents out. Either by helping his mother arrange flowers or by going off to wherever his father was working for the day. He was homeschooled, but most of his schooling was either around Herbology or Magizoology instead of typical things like maths and...
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    Hot or Not

    Vader OutOfTen May the force be with you
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

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    Grumpy boy needs plots

    @Daphne: Yeah Jumin would be nice to Diana, just so long as she doesn't annoy him because then he can turn into a bit of an ass and this boy is an expert at holding grudges over the littlest of things. As for Emelia, well if you want a friend to her who is not a very loyal friend, the Jumin is...
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    Grumpy boy needs plots

    So, this kid of mine needs some plots because I would love to flesh him out more before I decide what to do with him. It's still a toss-up between where I'm sending him when he turns 11 because I am #indecisive.</FONT> Jumin Lee<FONT font="Times New Roman"> Jumin is Korean-Australian, his...
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    Mate, Date or SLATE

  17. J

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    9/10 It's lovely, just a little small :)
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