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    Australian Honeymoon

    "Come see," Annie demanded bluntly, even at her age knowing well enough not to tell her father that she wanted him to play tea party. Reaching up and grabbing his wrist, she dragged him upstairs impatiently, hopping all the way. She was full of energy that had yet to be expelled, in a large...
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    Australian Honeymoon

    Annika hopped in place as she waited for her father to show up, and when he didn't, her face scrunched up in frustration. "Ima get Daddy," she stated, quitting her caterwauling for a moment to search out her father. Her tiny hand trailing along the railing, she skidded her tiny bum down the...
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    Australian Honeymoon

    Annika grinned widely at Eliza, revealing a row of baby teeth. "I like Meggie too!" she stated, her lip pursing at the thought of making her father attend a tea party. It was a wonderful idea! Hopping in place, she put Lisa back down in her crib, exclaiming excitedly, "Yes! DADDY!" She...
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    Australian Honeymoon

    Annika's blue eyes widened as her new playmate began to pull things out of her backpack- characters and dolls that she didn't recognize. "Who's that?" she asked curiously, pointing to the American girl doll. She of course had given all of her dolls names. "I have a baby!" she exclaimed...
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    Australian Honeymoon

    Annika was absolutely delighted that her uncle, or whoever he was, had brought home a girl to play with. As much as she enjoyed playing with her brother he did not seem to share her affinity for dolls. With a wide smile, she tugged at the older girl's hand. "'Liza!" she demanded bossily, a...
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    Australian Honeymoon

    Annika was getting quite restless as she stood around in a place that she was not accustomed to. Her mommy and daddy were wearing funny clothes, and no one around looked familiar. Tugging on the bottom of her father's shirt, she demanded in a squeaky voice, "We want that!" She was of course...
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    Annika sucked on her thumb thoughtfully as she watched the proceedings, looking around with wide eyes. The man sitting in the chair next to them was rather big. "Fat man," she said, pointing to her grandfather and nodding her head as a matter of factly. Crawling off of Lief's lap she moved...
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    "Besfar," Annika said proudly, although her attention span was not entirely too great at this point in her life. The identities of the people who they were meeting was all over her head. "Mummy mummy?" How could her mother have a mother? Her mouth clamped shut as her mother changed her...
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    Without missing a beat Annika jabbed her tongue back out at her brother, sliding it back inside her mouth when she realized her mother was watching. "Otay," she said, rubbing her eyes. Opening them again, she looked to her brother oddly. "Who Befar?" she asked quizzically. She had never...
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    Annika of course had not betrayed her brother yet she was mutually surprised as their mother found them so quickly. With an air of snootiness to her voice she said, "Gampa go bye bye." Giggling, she looked up to her mother as she snuggled into the blankets, attempting to keep the warmth where...
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    Annika had been sleeping peacefully, giggling as Anders crawled into her bed with her. "Otay," she said, smirking, her blue eyes twinkling as she closed her eyes, snuggling next to her brother. They were still at a stage where they got along, being fraternal twins and all. She pretended to...