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  1. H

    Dare you to live

    When Hikari woke up, it was already bright outside, and she was in her own bed. She must have slept for six or seven hours, but her eyes felt gritty and sore, although she didn't recall crying for long enough to produce such effects. Sensing that she was alone in the room, she didn't bother to...
  2. H


    "No, LOVES ME! and he's not a pervert. You're just jealous anyway." Hearing those words being spoken by one of her classmates, Hikari Izumi cannot help but to rub her temples. That girl was really getting on her nerves. Sighing, fifteen year old Hikari, put her head in her hands. Her...
  3. H

    Hikari Izumi

    </SIZE><SIZE size="150">Hikari Izumi (Hikari meaning Radiance, and Izumi meaning Spring)<i></i> Date of Birth: - December 24 Current Age: - 15 Basic Appearance: Hair: Long, wavy, auburn Height:Hikari is a bit small for her age, she's really petite. Skin Color: Fair Eyes: Hikari has...
  4. H

    Lend me your ears.. :D

    HI! Well, this is my first time creating a character which is not studying at Hogwarts, see, a Durmstrang student! :D And she is in real need of friends, anything really.. :D So, here's Hikari, a 15 year old witch from Japan.. :D She's athletic and good-natured, but she's a bit boyish...