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    A Duel of Deux

    Alexander, a young man with the art of magic worshiped as though a god. He practiced daily and meditated hard. He was bent on becoming a Death Eater. As he walked around Brightstone, he noticed a particular inactivity to the place. Nobody was really there. The shops weren't closed. No matter, he...
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    A Beginning

    I'd like to start off my visit here at HNZ by actually getting some plots done. Now, there are three things I'd like: Friends-Those whom will help and give company to Alex. Enemies-Those whom hate Jim and would do anything to kill him.(there is also the option of mortal enemy.) Love-Someone...
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    Hello Fellow HNZers

    As a newer member to this certain board, I must ask a question. My character revolves around, shall we say a "death eater" type, however, if he does not make the application, what kind of options or roles am I able to take besides being a death eater that are remotley evil. Also, is there any...
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    Hello everyone. I bring you Alexander van Laar. Waiting for an application response for a Death Eater application. If accepted I'll be on alot and start right away on my character development. Anyways, a hardy hello too all and I'll be offline for most of the time until I hear more so about my...