Kit was running down the hill, hoping too many people weren't already lined up for practice. She had been reading over some strategies she wanted the chasers to try out and had realized she was barely going to make it to the field. Once she showed up, she pushed her ponytail...
Kit had been nervous all summer, but she was putting on a confident face as she stood in front of a small but seemingly "brimming with potential" group. The position had fallen into her lap, and she must have shown the now graduates and her professors something to prove she could lead the team...
Kit was a little nervous to be speaking with the quidditch captain. She knew she was only an alternate, which meant they didn't have to give her a spot on the team next year. But she didn't think she had done terribly. She'd practiced outside of their team practices and had improved a lot on her...
Takes place in the 4th Year Girls' Pukwudgie Dorm after a fall quidditch practice
Kit was glad to grab a shower after practice and sat on her bed, braiding her hair. She knew that one of her sisters suggested it would lead to more damage, but Kit didn't care in this moment. She just wanted it...
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