Search results for query: *

  1. Beatrice Grey

    Open Unofficial Pep Club: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin

    Beatrice was excited to be back cheering on the quidditch teams. She had talked to her mom about getting some uniforms made for each person, but seeing as people could come and go, she figured an easier outfit was better. It did bother her that they didn't entirely match like most cheerleading...
  2. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Brilliant Bunches of Roses

    Beatrice wasn't sure if she'd find Tori in the library, but she knew she was one of the few people outside of Ravenclaw that seem concerned with their classes. She thought it might be possible until she wandered upon an area with lots of students, hoping to see the Gryffindor sitting nearby...
  3. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Rosesssssss

    Beatrice had been told the lounge might be a good place to find her next person and entered the room, trying not to disturb the peace if students were studying. "Is Enoch around? Enoch Goldewyn?" she read from her letter as she held out a yellow rose. @Enoch Goldewyn
  4. Beatrice Grey

    🌹 Rose Giving Red Roses for Hufflepuffs

    Beatrice rolled her eyes as she walked towards the fourth floor corridor, wondering if she'd even find the girl she was supposed to give a rose to. The Ravenclaw stood around others in the corridor who were handing out their own gifts and tried to see if Eurydice was anywhere nearby. @Eurydice...
  5. Beatrice Grey

    Open The First Pep Club Meeting

    Beatrice was ecstatic that Maggie had made the quidditch team for Ravenclaw - not because she cared a wink about quidditch - but because it gave her sister something separate to do. Magdalene was now going to be seen as a jock, which meant Bea had to find her own identity and the closest thing...
  6. Beatrice Grey

    Unofficial Pep Club Interest

    Hi all, Beatrice was a cheerleader before coming to Hogwarts, and she is interested in starting an unofficial pep club (so think a group that might go to any quidditch game regardless of their house and cheer people on, maybe go to other school events). Would anyone else be interested? It could...
  7. Beatrice Grey

    Closed Basking in Self-Doubt

    Bea was still trying to forget about her Charms class the day prior. She had embarassed herself in front of the entire Ravenclaw and Slytherin second years, having fallen on the floor on someone's Scourgify charm and then by getting hit with someone's spell. She hadn't even gotten the chance to...
  8. Beatrice Grey

    Open Do you wanna play hairdresser?

    Beatrice grunted as Maggie pulled on her hair, trying to get it into a tighter braid. "You're going to make me bald," she argued, feeling like her forehead was already big enough. She had just wanted her hair out of her face, and her sister was a decent hairstylist. The Ravenclaw wished there...
  9. Beatrice Grey

    Aunt Meg Submissions

    Hi all, This is a last minute call for any Aunt Meg submissions for the school newspaper. If you have a student who needs advice, please PM Beatrice, and she'll give you a response in the upcoming edition of Hogwarts Monthly!
  10. Beatrice Grey

    Open Ice Princess

    Beatrice had definitely not asked her mom to take one of her former figure skating outfits and add a long skirt so she could wear it to the Yule Ball... except she had. Beatrice desperately missed skating. She wanted to skate and work and go to the Olympics one day, but with only being able to...
  11. Beatrice Grey

    Open Cooling Off After a Long Week

    Beatrice had only been at school for a week, but she missed skating. While it was technically the off season, she would still be at the rink conditioning and praticing her loops, something her coach had gotten on her about last season. But here she was, in a different country where the weather...
  12. Beatrice Grey

    Beatrice Grey's Relationships

    N O T A B L E F A M I L Y M E M B E R S Viola Andrews Grey Biological Mother Evander Grey Biological Father Magdalene Willa Grey Younger Twin Sister Ellery Andrews Maternal Aunt Kathryne "Kit" Andrews Maternal Cousin B E S T F R I E N D S Magdalene Grey F R I E N D...
  13. Beatrice Grey

    Beatrice Opal Grey

    N A M E M E A N I N G Beatrice origin: Latin roots, meaning "voyager" or "traveller" Opal origin: Related to the gemstone, meaning "jewel" Grey origin: Scottish roots, originated from those with grey hair or complexion *Sources: Behind the Name & Find My Past S U R F A C E D E T A I L S...