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  1. Rose Edogawa

    Closed After Practice

    *this takes place after the first Gryffindor practice of the year. As the practice finished up, Rose breathing heavily after a good practice, yet thrilled at the progress she'd made with the team, she watched as the team started leaving the pitch. She was sweaty and wanted to wash off, but she...
  2. Rose Edogawa

    Closed A Cozy Spot

    Rose found a quiet, soft patch of grass near the entrance to the Courtyard and steel down, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. She had been wanting to catch up with Eury for a while now but wasn’t sure how to start, her usual confidence melting away in the face of her own...
  3. Rose Edogawa

    Closed finally going

    She should have been here last year honestly, but with all the newness, being sorted into a house that wasn't with any of her family, getting used to classes, and then even getting a poor grade in one of them, well, it had been sort of the furthest thing from her mind. Now though, with the start...
  4. Rose Edogawa

    Closed perigee

    Approval ID #122472 Rose hated having to come to the Hospital Wing, but the nurse liked to make sure she was getting everything she needed with her potions and since she was going to be starting classes in just a day or so, she needed to make sure she had them on hand incase she needed them. She...
  5. Rose Edogawa

    Closed up the ante

    Approval ID #122472 Her History of Magic textbook was open, but she wasn't actually reading it. Instead, she was staring out the window at the open sky. The weather looked lovely for flying, but she was too busy waiting to hear whether or not she'd made the quidditch team to bother thinking...
  6. Rose Edogawa

    Closed ridiculous

    Rose was going to kill him she didn't know how, but she was going to figure it out and kill him. She was going to kill them both, they were stressing her out more than she needed to be stressed out and she was not going to be calm and unbothered until her brothers worked it out. "I can't believe...
  7. Rose Edogawa

    Closed A Prim-Rose?

    These corridors were so confusing, Rose never quite knew where she was going whenever she tried to go anywhere, because sometimes the stairs moved. No one had prepared her for that, and one time she had been standing right on the top of it, about to step into a corridor and then the stairs moved...
  8. Rose Edogawa

    Open silly little traditions

    *open after Marga Rose wasn't really sure she fully understood the spirit of a holiday about magic and witches if they really had magic and she was really a witch, but she supposed that meant she didn't fully understand it either. She quickly brushed her fingers through her hair, leaving it out...
  9. Rose Edogawa

    Open that's my mum

    *open after tamara Rose was looking for her mum's name on the trophies and lists. She knew her mother had been quidditch captain, she didn't know if she'd won the quidditch cup at the time or not. She wanted to find her name on the trophies, she had found her aunt on a couple of them and she...
  10. Rose Edogawa

    Rose Amaterasu Edogawa

    `R o s e A m a t e r a s u E d o g a w a` Rose; 'love, passion, resilience' ✫ Amaterasu; 'japanese sun goddess' ✫ Edogawa; 'of rivers and literary brilliance' "Rose Edogawa is a vibrant yet anxious young woman who struggles with crowds and often feels overwhelmed in social settings, but her...