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  1. Rosalind Montgomery

    Open A Tiger Prowling

    Rosalind liked her costume. It was a switch up from last year, that was for sure, but that could only be a good thing. Too much of the same and it got boring, as much as Rosalind had enjoyed looking pretty. But now she had managed to do some impressive face make up (which admittedly she'd been...
  2. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed A Mini Poetry Exchange

    Rosalind was overly excited. She'd had the idea over the holidays, and was glad that Cyrus had agreed to it. Just a small thing where they could talk poetry, exchange poetry, and share ideas. Rosalind thought Cyrus was seriously cool - and the fact that she knew a real-life poet was pretty...
  3. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed Early Birds Without the Worms

    The weather had been tending towards more rain recently, but the past day or so Rosalind had paid close enough attention to know the Hogwarts garden was in need of some watering. It was a Saturday and she'd gotten up early expressly for the purpose of getting down and attending to the garden...
  4. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed New Year, New Encounters

    Rosalind didn't go to the student lounge that often - she preferred the Hogwarts garden or the library - but today she felt like a bit of a change. It was a new school year after all, and if she was being honest, she kind of felt like socialising. She entered the student lounge and looked around...
  5. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed A Change of Scenery

    Rosalind was mostly glad to be back at Hogwarts. The first days back were always an adjustment period, getting used to the routine of lessons again. So far they hadn't been too tricky, and Rosalind didn't feel any of the pressure that she inevitably would around exam period. But she missed...
  6. Rosalind Montgomery

    Closed A Fallen Poem

    Rosalind was strolling along the corridor, minding her own business. Classes hadn't been too hard so far, which she greatly appreciated. She hummed slightly to herself, feeling pretty good, without a care in the world. As she was moving along however she noticed a slip of parchment fall from the...
  7. Rosalind Montgomery

    Rosalind Montgomery

    Full Name: Rosalind Portia Montgomery Gender: Female Birthdate: 23rd August Zodiac Sign: Virgo Hometown: Auckland, New Zealand Blood Status: Half Blood Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Wand: Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core Wood: A complex wand capable of the most...