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  1. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Name Based Intimidation

    yellow rose for @Terror Zhefarovich Merlin, thought Audrey as she wandered down to the dungeons. Wizards really did give their children weird names, didn't they? She was living proof of it, so she wouldn't dare say anything to anyone. But Terror, really? She supposed it projected a certain...
  2. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Left On Red

    red rose for @Eurydice Nightray Audrey was committed to running this smarter, not harder. She knew that she and Lucy had at least one of the same people to deliver to, and she'd seen her friend duck into the Student Lounge. It paid off, as Lucy delivered a rose to Eurydice. Or, to Eurydice via...
  3. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rose, Not An Olive Branch

    yellow rose for @Veronica Walden-Cade It was a bit awkward delivering a rose to Veronica. Audrey didn't really dislike the girl, but she wasn't especially fond of her either - and she hadn't gone out of her way to interact with her much after snapping at her in the prefect's meeting. She had a...
  4. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Keeping It Short And Sweet

    pink rose for @Leah Thorne Audrey was impressed at how chaotic things were with all the deliveries. But it was a positive sort of chaos, one that for the most part seemed to make people happy. That was kind of nice, though recognition for it would no doubt help too. The only problem was that...
  5. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Pretty In Pink

    pink rose for @Alicia Richelieu Audrey's flower crown had been made with pink roses, though she wasn't sure how well it went with the rest of her. Still, she was committed at this point, and it was at least fitting now as she had a pink rose to deliver. She didn't know Alicia personally, but...
  6. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Red-dy For An Answer

    red rose for @Friday Weeks Audrey couldn't say she knew Friday well, but she knew who she was - they were in the same year, after all, and her name kind of stuck out. Not that Audrey could really speak on names, considering her parents saw fit to name her Prudence, to say less of her other...
  7. Audrey Beauchamp

    🌹 Rose Giving Sucking Up With A Rose

    yellow rose for @Professor Angel Castillo Audrey thought sending roses to professors was kind of weird and embarrassing. Sure, she'd sent one to Professor Pirrip (and had been half tempted to pick a pink one just to see if it sent Teddy postal), but that was different. She wasn't sure how it...
  8. Audrey Beauchamp

    Y48 Rose Giving Directory

    Hey all! It's the most wonderful time of the year again - It's rose giving time! As always, a directory will be running again so it'll be easier for you to track down the rose(s) your character(s) will receive, as well as read other rose threads! There are a lot of roses, so there should be...
  9. Audrey Beauchamp

    Personal Project

    The good thing about having less responsibility than Lucy and Teddy (although she still had plenty to do) was that Audrey had some little time to do something purely for herself. She'd been thinking about it quite a lot over the break, and she decided that there was no better time than now to...
  10. Audrey Beauchamp

    Closed Harbour Lights

    Audrey didn't want to go home just yet. It wasn't really that late, it felt later than it was with the early sunset. About dinner time, she supposed. Not that it mattered, nobody was home. She'd have to go find something to eat somewhere soon enough, but not right now. Now she clearly had more...
  11. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open Unsanctioned Kissing Booth

    Audrey didn't have a date, again. But it was fine. Really, fine. She may have been somewhat jealous of the others having better kisses at the spin the bottle than she did, but she figured there was only one way to solve this. By having a sign up advertising valentine's kisses, of course...
  12. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open Better Plans Than Dancing

    Okay, maybe Audrey was a little bit of a jealous type. It was hardly fair that even first years were on dates at the Yule Ball, though. They weren't even old enough to know what a date was. The only people who really seemed to like her were some professors, though, and that didn't equate to...
  13. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open In The Eye Of The Beholder

    Audrey was teaching herself how to draw. Which was something of a gargantuan task to take on, as her drawing skills were sub-par at best, but she realized that if she wanted to keep coming up with new ideas, some of them might actually require diagrams. Besides, she thought. With the way she was...
  14. Audrey Beauchamp

    Closed Menaces Coming Through

    Audrey was exhausted. She had never had to work so hard in her life, and while on one hand she relished it, on the other hand she had been so tired and cranky. She only hoped now she'd be used to it for second semester, because there was still so much to do. But for tonight, she could put all...
  15. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open Casting A Punch

    To nobody's surprise except perhaps her own, Audrey was a little overwhelmed by the sudden increase in her workload. She had gotten a bit complacent last year, possibly even bored and wishing for more. But perhaps the moral of the story was 'be careful what you wish for', as between her heavy...
  16. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open Teatime

    Audrey would never admit that she had made a mistake in deciding to take on all the classes. Of course, she couldn't possibly be mistaken, because that was tantamount to failure, and Audrey couldn't possibly fail. Still, her schedule looked dreadful, and Audrey was trying to put on a brave face...
  17. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open I Spy

    Audrey was definitely not jealous. After all, jealousy was such an ugly thing, and Audrey was far too pretty to be caught up in ugly emotions. But, if she was jealous, she figured she had every right to be, since her two best friends happened to be here at the ball together. And were probably...
  18. Audrey Beauchamp

    School Christmas Lunch?

    "Camilla are you going to do the plots you said you'd do or anything of your backlog" "no, but consider..." I'm hoping to start using this forum for more specific plot developments rather than trying to sort out things for characters as that might be slightly more successful for me, so: was...
  19. Audrey Beauchamp

    Just A Little Extra

    Audrey liked her subjects this semester - mostly Charms and Defence - but the small amount meant she had a lot of spare time on her hands. Audrey was somewhat used to spare time, having mostly been left to her own devices at home, and had used some of it constructively. But there was only so...
  20. Audrey Beauchamp

    Open Swinging For The Fences

    Audrey sometimes had to get creative with revision. Looking over notes endlessly was incredibly boring, and it wasn't going to make anything sink in further. It wasn't like these exams were especially hard, either, but Audrey wanted to ensure she kept getting excellent grades. Sure, her parents...