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  1. Daria Bright-Root

    Graduation Garlands | WPC Y47/S2

    Every time Daria was reminded that her time at Hogwarts was nearly over, it shocked her all over again. The real world was a matter of a few exams away now, and she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Her whole time at school she had hardly accomplished anything, and would be leaving with more...
  2. Daria Bright-Root

    Summer Colours | WPC Y47/S1

    Daria's hands trembled as she set things up for the first Wild Patch meeting of the year, doing her best not to slide into a full blown panic attack. This had been a mistake. Rosie and Kiara choosing her had been a mistake, choosing to accept had been a mistake, not immediately giving up the...
  3. Daria Bright-Root

    Wild Patch Members Y47

    💮 Queen of Flowers 💮 Daria Bright-Root 🌻 Seventh Years 🌻 Yuelia Rossingol 🌻 Sixth Years 🌻 Conan Burke Zerrin Fergusson Ruto Vernier-Raison 🌻 Fifth Years 🌻 Georgia Astor Niall Corvus Ralph Easterling Hinata Edogawa Fraser Fergusson Nevaeh O Ruairc Bailey Walden-Cade 🌻 Fourth Years 🌻 Callie...
  4. Daria Bright-Root

    Closed Walls Built Between Us

    Daria's grades in the previous year hadn't been what she hoped, but she was finding it hard to focus on brushing up on most of her subjects. The only ones she was really looking forward to this year were Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Over the holidays she had been doing more and...
  5. Daria Bright-Root

    Open Wilted Petals

    Daria knew this was her own fault, really. If she were only like other girls - strong and confident, ready to go after what she wanted... but no. She was just plain, silly, quiet Daria. Always overlooked, always second best. Even her friends seemed not to notice her, when it came down to it...
  6. Daria Bright-Root

    Closed Struggling To Bloom

    It was still too cold out to get much done in the garden, but it was never too cold for Daria to think about the gardens. She had settled in on a little seat by one of the windows, staring out at the grounds and thinking about what she planned to plant this year. It was easier to consider when...
  7. Daria Bright-Root

    🌹 Rose Giving Appreciation and Thanks

    ((Red, open after @Rosie Archer)) The last name on Daria's list was another older girl, one she wasn't familiar with at all. After having no luck upstairs she had taken to just asking people in the corridor, her fear of approaching strangers fading as she tried to track down her final...
  8. Daria Bright-Root

    🌹 Rose Giving Cheer and Hopes

    ((Yellow, open after @Conan Elliott)) The next name on Daria's list was a younger boy, one she had never met before. It was less intimidating tracking him down than older students at least, and after having no luck downstairs she took to lingering outside the Gryffindor common room, keeping...
  9. Daria Bright-Root

    🌹 Rose Giving Admiration and Flattery

    ((Yellow, open after @Gwen Goodwin)) Daria recognised the next name on her list both as a prefect and as one of the intimidating popular girls she tended to give a wide berth. People like her were hardly going to bother with people like Daria anyway, but the more space she could give them, the...
  10. Daria Bright-Root

    🌹 Rose Giving Love and Teasing

    ((Red, open after @Slate Gates)) Daria was on a roll delivering to her older housemates, though she wasn't sure who the next person was. She fought down her nerves and tried to speak as loudly as she could as she went down the table, asking people. "Excuse me, is Slate Gates here? Has anyone...
  11. Daria Bright-Root

    🌹 Rose Giving Respect and Perseverance

    ((Yellow, open after @Kiara Thompson)) The next name on Daria's list was another older girl who she recognised from hearing her name around the common room. She had been planning to try and find the girl in the Great Hall, but was pleasantly surprised to catch up with her halfway down a...
  12. Daria Bright-Root

    Closed Slow Bloomer

    It was too cold to be here, really. Aotearoa was freezing compared to Thailand, and Daria was still getting used to the chilly winters. She should have been in the Common Room, curled up with a hot chocolate and a good book. But she missed nature, even if it wasn't a good time of year to get...
  13. Daria Bright-Root

    Closed Slowly Blooming

    Daria had known life at Hogwarts was going to be tough, but she hadn't been ready for just how tough it would be. She had never been great at making friends at the best of times, and moving to an entirely new country had only made things harder. It felt like all of her classmates had grouped up...
  14. Daria Bright-Root

    Daria Bright-Root

    Name: Sujira (สุจิรา) Chanthara (จันทรา) Bright-Root Daria Meaning: Sujira - Goodness, Chanthara - Moon Water (mother's surname), Daria - Possessing Goodness Birthdate: 24/8/2045 Zodiac: Virgo Strengths: Analytical – Observant – Helpful – Reliable - Precise Weaknesses: Skeptical – Fussy –...