Search results for query: *

  1. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving We should hang out (Yellow)

    Finley had one more rose to deliver and then he was done for the day, which would be nice, because then he could relax. He didn't know the girl he was delivering to, but he knew she was a Gryffindor. "Hi, are you Lorelai? Can you point me to Lorelai? Hi, can you tell me where Lorelai is." He...
  2. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Happy Valentine's Day (Yellow)

    Finley didn't know this girl, but someone had pointed out that she was a Slytherin and so he happily approached the Slytherin table during one of breaks and smiled. "Sorry, is one of you Hazel Ashworth, I've got a rose to deliver?" he said, holding the rose in his hand for whoever to see...
  3. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Something to cheer you up! (Red)

    Finley knew a little about Veronica because she was on the Quidditch team and he paid attention to that since he loved the game - even if he didn't make it this year. So when he noticed that he had a red rose to deliver to the chaser, he grinned and danced over to her. "Hi Veronica! I have a red...
  4. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Customary (Yellow)

    The next delivery on his list was for one of the Hufflepuff Prefects so he had seen her around a little bit, and she had a sister in his house as far as he knew, but he didn't know much about her apart from that. He looked around for her quickly before spotting her and grinning. "Hi Hinata! You...
  5. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Written in Orange (Red)

    Finley had decided that he didn't want to be chasing people down all day and so he'd essentially decided to camp out in the great hall for the people he needed to find, it seemed to be working for him as he approached the Hufflepuff table to find his next target. "Are you Dominic? This is for...
  6. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    🌹 Rose Giving Catch up (Yellow)

    Finley had a couple of deliveries today and it seemed prudent to work his way up the castle, starting with the Great Hall for one Professor Jacobs. He thought he'd heard her name in passing, but she wasn't one of his professors so he didn't know her personally. He approached the table as they...
  7. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    Open and we knocked six times

    *please wait for mania and callie to post first Finely had been so excited when Mania had asked him to join as part of her costume with Nia, he liked both of the girls so he didn't mind spending more time with them at all. He was glad he was already making friends because honestly his dad was...
  8. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    Summoned, I come

    Finley was a little nervous, which wasn't something he could usually say about himself. But since he was standing out front of the Charms Office and he really didn't know why (other than the note he'd received to come here), he figured that was probably a good thing to be a little nervous about...
  9. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    Closed ruffled feathers

    Finley should have known the owlery wasn't going to smell all that pleasant, honestly. He didn't mind it, but it did seem to smell faintly of aging feathers and something a little less pleasant that he was choosing not to think about. It was quiet, high up in the tower and far enough away that...
  10. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    Finley Baros

    F I R S T . M I D D L E . L A S T - - w r i t e s o m e t h i n g c u t e h e r e - - T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T LYRIC LYRIC LYRIC FULL NAME text DATE OF BIRTH text CURRENT AGE text BLOOD STATUS text NATIONALITY text HOME TOWN text CURRENT RESIDENCE text...
  11. Finley Mackintosh Baros

    Finley Mackintosh Baros

    `F i n l e y M a c k i n t o s h B a r o s` Finley; 'Fair warrior' ✫ Mackintosh; 'son of the leader' ✫ Baros; 'weight, gravity' "Finley is a bright and curious young wizard who approaches life with an open heart and an unwavering belief in embracing the unique gifts that set him apart, finding...