Felix had decided to wear a tshirt for the dance. Sure, perhaps it was traditional to wear a suit, but frankly they weren't as comfortable and besides it wasn't like they were having a prize for best blazer. He wore a tshirt and jeans, as he did most of the time. He'd already told this to Esme...
Felix had already tried to help by signing up to the Brotherhood. Merlin, he'd even tried to speak to Minister of Magic at the careers fair. It wasn't enough though in the grand scheme of things, to make an active difference to the day to day lives of the students around him at school. Felix had...
Felix hadn't known whether or not to dress up for Halloween, because it was likely he was going to get spotted by his sister who would probably humiliate him no matter what he went as. Therefore, he opted for the next best thing; hiding in plain sight. A simple bed sheet with eye holes poked in...
F E L I X ✻ W O L F ✻ L A Y TO N - K I N G
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
felix wolf layton-king
F E L I X ✻ W O L F ✻ L A Y T O N - K I NG
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
four lines of lyrics to even it all up
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