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  1. Imogen Blyth

    One sister to another

    "Oh don't I know about rumours," Imogen laughed, knowing Lilith wouldn't understand the reference at all, but she could at least relate to that part of the struggle. Rumours had almost ruined her a few years ago, and her brother. "Okay well next time someone is cruel, just hide their wand or...
  2. Imogen Blyth

    One sister to another

    Imogen struggled to know what Lilith meant by struggling. How could she be when everything was quite literally handed to her on a silver platter? "A lot of not so good things?" Imogen frowned, trying to figure out what would be deemed as not so good at a school as good as that. Imogen had had...
  3. Imogen Blyth

    One sister to another

    "Why are you in such a rush for it to be over?" Imogen asked truthfully, wondering whether Lilith genuinely thought it was a good thing that time was passing and they'd be graduated before they knew it. "Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for you both to leave, but you should enjoy it while you're...
  4. Imogen Blyth

    One sister to another

    Imogen was not as tall as her brother. In fact, she was practically the same height as his girlfriend who immediately swept her up in a hug. Imogen patted her gently on the back. She liked her, but that didn't change the situation she had to work with. "Better now I'm out here," she replied...
  5. Imogen Blyth

    One sister to another

    Set in the Y48 break. Imogen had recently been informed of a development between her brother and his friend, a development that Imogen didn't quite know how to deal with. On the one hand she was glad that he had found someone, and Lilith of all people she knew would be good for him. But where...
  6. Imogen Blyth

    I want to talk to you.

    I want to talk to you.
  7. Imogen Blyth

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  8. Imogen Blyth

    I can’t wait to meet you Lili!! Eoghans already told me so much about you, so I hope this means...

    I can’t wait to meet you Lili!! Eoghans already told me so much about you, so I hope this means you’ll be coming to visit me next month :wub:
  9. Imogen Blyth

    Imogen Blyth

    I M O G E N ✻ E I L I D H ✻ B L Y T H IMOGEN; "DAUGHTER" ✻ EILIDH; ‘RADIANT’ The summer night, the fading light The perfect place, the perfect time To take you somewhere we both want to go A starry drive in mid july LINKS & AUTHOR NOTE Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships...