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  1. Sophie Shepherd

    Need advice? Have concerns? Aunt Meg is here to help!

    Need advice? Have concerns? Aunt Meg is here to help!
  2. Sophie Shepherd

    Aunt Meg Submissions!

    Hiya everyone! It's been a bit since i've done one of these but, its Aunt Meg time! Does your character need advice? Or have any questions? Or anything they want to get off their chest? You have come to the right place because Hogwarts Monthly is taking in submissions for Aunt Meg! Please PM...
  3. Sophie Shepherd

    Open Hi Barbie!

    Sophie let out a sigh of relief when her classmate confirmed that she was alright. She had seen the girl around in a few classes but didn't really know her all that well. "Glad to hear you're okay," Sophie says with a nod and a small smile, relieved that she didn't injure the girl in any way...
  4. Sophie Shepherd

    Common Connections

    Eoghan and Sophie are both Ravenclaws and are in the same year
  5. Sophie Shepherd

    Open Hi Barbie!

    Sophie had decided to go a little more out with her Halloween costume this year. Normally she wasn't the type to wear pink, but it was Halloween and she decided to go for something different this year. The girl had decided to go as a Barbie doll, with an old pink bag that was her mother's and a...
  6. Sophie Shepherd

    Y48 Costume Contest

    Sophie Shepherd as Barbie
  7. sophie - paris y48.jpg

    sophie - paris y48.jpg

  8. Sophie Shepherd

    Open Too Early in the Morning

    The one thing that Sophie didn't like about being at Hogwarts was that she had to wake up earlier than she liked to be ready for lessons. She would much rather be asleep than anything than be awake right now for classes. While she didn't mind the actual classes and enjoyed learning, again, she...
  9. Sophie Shepherd

    Heta Omega

    Sophie Shepherd Ravenclaw Second Year
  10. Sophie Shepherd

    Second Years

    Sophie Shepherd Ravenclaw
  11. sophie 2.1.jpeg

    sophie 2.1.jpeg

  12. sophie 2.2.jpeg

    sophie 2.2.jpeg

  13. Sophie Shepherd

    Open The First Pep Club Meeting

    Sophie hadn't managed to try-out for the quidditch team like she had wanted, but she had liked the idea one of her twin dormmates, Bea, had brought up. She thought the pep club had been exciting. She hadn't really heard or seen anything like this in nz often, as it wasn't really a thing in New...
  14. Sophie Shepherd

    Y48 Start of Year Feast

    Sophie was back for a second year and she had honestly enjoyed everything about the magical world so far. Everything seemed so fun and exciting. The Ravenclaw was hardly paying attention to what the headmaster was saying at first, thinking about the exciting upcoming year. However, she had heard...
  15. shepherd dad.jpg

    shepherd dad.jpg

  16. shepherd mum 2.jpg

    shepherd mum 2.jpg

  17. Sophie Shepherd

    Open Y47 End of Year Feast

    Her first year at Hogwarts had gone by so fast and Sophie couldn't believe it! So much time had gone by. Sophie had enjoyed her first year at Hogwarts, even though she wished she was able to make some more friends. There was always next year. She was grateful for what she had learned at Hogwarts...
  18. Sophie Shepherd

    Closed Not Quite There

    Sophie shook her head, not really impressed with what her brother was doing. "Do you really? How are you gonna eat food and get to classes if you're lying there forever?" Sophie asked jokingly with a small smile and shook her head again. The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes again. "You're being...
  19. Sophie Shepherd

    Closed Not Quite There

    This place was like a maze if Sophie was being honest. There were too many floors and corridors around this place. Sophie had walked around the castle to try to find the student lounge, but it seemed like a mighty mission to find the lounge. Sophie wasn't sure how many times now she went up...
  20. Sophie Shepherd

    Sophie Shepherd's Relationships

    S O P H I E • S H E P H E R D R E L A T I O N S H I P S F A M I L Y Victoria Shepherd (Mother) Christopher Shepherd (Father) Theodore Shepherd (Twin Brother) B E S T • F R I E N D S Theodore Shepherd F R I E N D S Sophie doesn't consider anyone her friend as of yet A C Q U A I N...