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  1. J

    Lake Reflections

    "My names Jacob!" he called down to her "Whats your name? and why are you swimming in the lake" he laughed a bit crouching closer to the lake to get a better look at her.
  2. J

    Lake Reflections

    Jacob sat by the calm Lakefront looking over the rippling water glancing around he looked to see if any of his new classmates where around.It was week one of Hogwarts and so far he had seen his good childhood friend Hannah Jaxburthorn and Fern Munrowe his new friend he met at Scribblus...
  3. J

    School Shopping and A New Friend

    Jacob watched Fern leave and shortly after he followed pacing himself thinking about Fern she really was a unique Hufflepuff he smiled just thinking about her smile so radiant and blinding.He remembered the last relationship he was in where he could'nt tell anyone about her...Hannah that is.They...
  4. J

    School Shopping and A New Friend

    Jacob studdied Fern's question to go to the owelery he wanted to say yes he really did but he already had his little ball of fur Rufus the short haired english cat.His smile faltered "Sorry,Fern I can't go to the owlery..I already have Rufus my cat".Jacob paused and an idea flickered in his head...
  5. J

    School Shopping and A New Friend

    Jacob gave a harty laugh "Aha,thats cute..Ravepuff...Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff". "So your in Hufflepuff thats cool you know we should hangout sometime this week,to get to know you better!" he grinned at her expression of utter glee.Jacob scanned the isles again for parchment grabbing the white...
  6. J

    School Shopping and A New Friend

    Jacob studied Fern Munrowe she looked very pretty with her long wavy blonde hair that stopped right at her shoulders and shiny blue eyes that twinkled when she spoke.Jacob paused is thoughts and smiled with a laugh "My name is Jacob Dawlish". "How funny it is that we both are looking for...
  7. J

    School Shopping and A New Friend

    Jacob bit off the last taste of his Licorice wand ,mmmm delicious he sighed.He had stopped to take a break after buying his school robes at Madam Milken's they were soft and smooth lined with a deep royal blue to symbolize Ravenclaw..his house of course.He continued walking down the street to...