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  1. Thomas Parish

    Old School Week Longing

    Hogwarts always loomed in the distance, almost beckoning Tom to come and explore it anytime he caught a glimpse of it. With the holidays, the castle would be empty, and though he wanted to go there while it was full of students, going when no one was around to catch him and tell the Ministry...
  2. Thomas Parish

    Closed Keep Your Spirits Up

    Thomas blinked, as if seeing the younger boy with new eyes. Had it really been that long? The living people always grew up way too quickly. "Woah, happy birthdays!" He grinned. "Man, time flies when you're having fun, huh?" Thomas would have loved to have said he was having the time of his...
  3. Thomas Parish

    Closed Keep Your Spirits Up

    Thomas had never cared for the Winter in life. Now, it was his favourite time of the year. Not only because he no longer felt the chill of the cold, but because it meant that all the other magical teens were free of Hogwarts, and he could finally have a longer period of lively company that...
  4. Thomas Parish

    Old School Week Just Ghost Things

    "I'm the Splinched Spectre, ooh. Or just Tom!" The ghost introduced himself to the young girl. Another spirit joined them, one Thomas was sure he hadn't seen in the area before. It was quite a lively gathering for a haunting of ghosts. When the younger boy corrected old Kuya, Thomas chuckled...
  5. Thomas Parish

    Old School Week Just Ghost Things

    Thomas grinned at a girl who'd approached him, one he probably hadn't floated through yet since she seemed happy to get close. "I'm great! I'm having the time of my death." He told her with a laugh, noticing Catherine had joined them. "I believe I have, m'lady." He said with a warm smile, or as...
  6. Thomas Parish

    Old School Week Just Ghost Things

    Thomas was bored. There wasn't much to do when you were dead. With his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, the spectral teenager flew over the tops of the crowds wandering through the streets. It was such a dull day, and he needed a way to liven it up. Grinning to himself, he swooped down from...
  7. Thomas Parish

    Translucent Hopes

    The question of Tom's knowledge of the Hogwarts ghosts, and if he'd ever gone to school there had the boy shaking his head a little sadly. "Hah, nope. The castle only just opened before I died. I never got the chance to go." It sucked, a lot. His parents, a few of the local parents really...
  8. Thomas Parish

    Pigtrotters Daycare: Art Day

    Tom had caught a lot more attention from the kids than he'd anticipated, and it was difficult to ignore some of the points and stares. Not that he minded too much, returning them with a pearly, semi-transparent grin. He enjoyed the attention he was getting, which he didn't receive on a regular...
  9. Thomas Parish

    Translucent Hopes

    [size=50]There was some irony in spooking a ghost, and Thomas couldn't wipe the amused grin off his face if he'd wanted to. There was a first time for everything even after being deceased for some years, it seemed. "Don't sweat it! Sorry for giving you a bit of a scare. I prob shouldn't have...
  10. Thomas Parish

    Pigtrotters Daycare: Art Day

    Thomas didn't miss an event in Brightstone, no matter how big or small. Having haunted the location for the past however many decades now, there was only so much left for him to do, and any new occurrence was more than welcome to break him out of the monotony of daily life death. The splinched...
  11. Thomas Parish

    Translucent Hopes

    It was difficult to make and maintain friendships for Thomas, due to his current state as very much deceased. It wasn't just that the witches and wizards he met would grow old before his very eyes, to change as people and move away to start families while he remained in the same village...