Search results for query: *

  1. Lavender Blake

    Closed Postponed Dates

    Lavender was glad that he let her go and she went to her bathroom. She sat down upon closed over toilet, glancing about the small, tight bathroom, that didn't even have a bath. She looked down at herself, to the ill-fitting dress and glanced in the mirror at herself. Lavender trusted that...
  2. Lavender Blake

    Closed Postponed Dates

    Lavender was surprised when he kissed her and she had a moment frozen in shock before it being too late to kiss him back. He spoke so warmly and she just wrapped her arms around herself as he spoke. He was going to take care of her? Lavender knew he couldn't mean that. She let herself be pulled...
  3. Lavender Blake

    Closed Postponed Dates

    Lavender didn't look at him. Just wiped at her eyes and glanced up at him when he took her face. She knew he was right about it, that he was right to not want to take her out, she hadn't slept a lot, her makeup probably didn't hide any of it. She probably looked gross, he wouldn't ever take her...
  4. Lavender Blake

    Closed Postponed Dates

    Lavender wasn't surprised as Elijah pushed her inside. She had put an effort in, and it hadn't been enough. She let him guide her to the sofa and sat down watching him put the flowers down and then tuck her in a blanket. She wasn't good enough to take out. He was looking after her, and it was...
  5. Lavender Blake

    Closed Postponed Dates

    Lavender felt like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop with Elijah, he was so lovely, he visited her at the coffee shop. He sent her flowers, he texted her. It was just...he was so nice and she felt so seen. She had never been seen before. Moving the date to Saturday had meant her moving...
  6. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender was pleased to walk in silence with him. She peaked into the room that her mother was in. She glanced at the floor until he brushed her hair back, which got her to look at him. She nodded, and where she might've said something, he kissed the centre of her forehead and she felt weak...
  7. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender let him take control. Letting him pay and then to have her at his side. her hand in the crook of his arm. She was too close to him, she just...didn't understand him. But maybe she just live in his fantasy until he realise she was worthless. So what if he broke her heart. "I like my...
  8. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender didn't think she was adorable. Didn't think he would think that soon. She wouldn't mind that he didn't have much time. She didn't either really between her two jobs and her mum. Lavender was also sure that the tight schedule would let this fizzle out and he'd find someone better...
  9. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender nodded, thinking that a nice italian would be nice, perhaps she could even insist upon paying for her share. The woman just blushed at him kissing her hand before shaking. "Not at all," she said to him. She thought about going behind the counter and making it herself so she was sure it...
  10. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender felt herself smile at the offer, a couple of hours on Wednesday afternoon would be good. She didn't want to be excited but she was immediately so. She was actually going on a date. "Oh, I don't know..." Lavender replied softly. She finally looked back up at him. She wanted to go...
  11. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender blushed deeply, she couldn't meet his gaze, could only stare for a long while at the spot where he had just kissed her hands. She could almost still feel his lips on there. This had been nice, eating properly, sitting down with someone, talking to someone had been nice, she'd been alone...
  12. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender listened to him actually talk about his family, about growing up and about his brother. He spoke so fondly of him, he looked beautiful when he did. The father must be kind too. Lavender had quickly finished most of her meal as he spoke, only slowing down at the last few bites. “My...
  13. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender had gotten macaroni and cheese. It was perhaps a little childish but she had wanted it. The food was placed in front of her and she pulled her hand out of Elijahs to be able to eat. She took a few quick bites of food and practically moaned in pleasure, blushing furiously. “I’m sorry,”...
  14. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender didn’t know why he was doing this. Why he seemed drawn to her. He’d soon realise she was stupid and pathetic. He’d realise she was worthless and she’d be alone again. Lavenders gaze dropped to her hand before she glanced back at him. “Okay, you…you can move my mum, and I will rest,”
  15. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender felt deep sympathy for him, knowing exactly how it felt to watch someone die and be unable to help them. She hadn't had the same drive to be the help for others, but she could understand it. Lavender wanted to reach out and take his hand and almost did so before she stopped herself and...
  16. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender wanted to curl in on herself as he spoke, calling her sweet and in need of kindness. She was glad that he would allow the dinner to reconsider. Lavender blushed deeply as he pulled out her chair and she sat down. "I was going to be at the hospital, until my night shift..," Lavender...
  17. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender glanced at the building they were moving towards. Her gaze moved up to him, with a little nervousness, sure that at this point it would be at which he rejected her. But instead, he was asking her out. She frowned a little, looking back to where they were moving. Lavender glanced at the...
  18. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender glanced at him, blushing deeply as he pushed her hair back and complimented her. She didn't believe herself sweet at all. She was frumpy and disorganised. Lavender was the sort of person that no one looked in the direction of. Lav knew he was being nice but she knew to just humour it...
  19. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender listened to him speak, with every word, she looked at him properly, holding her gaze on him and giving a little smile at his words. She thought he was being nice, maybe all of this was. He was being nice to the girl whose mother might die and then he'd move on to the next. She decided...
  20. Lavender Blake

    Closed From the Worst Situations

    Lavender could feel that he was holding on to her hand gently enough, but firm enough that she couldn't pull it away really, and she did stop trying. Lavender just nodded at the point, she needed to work the two jobs to be able to afford everything, she knew if…when her mother got better things...