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  1. L

    Thomas Homestead

    "ROGER!" Lee yelled, he caught himself letting off a few F-bombs and other swear words that Nancy would not approve of. He sprung out of his bed and stomped down the hallway. Rogers 'lttle prank' wasn't as small as he made it out to be, he shaved half of his brothers eyebrow off when he was...
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee had finally freed himself from the wrath of Roger for a few moments. He made his was down the stairs and silently took a seat at the table. Lee was obviously no longer in the mood for anymore games, he just wanted to eat and relax.
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee was ready to be the very first person at the table as his mother called them down for dinner. Jumping over his bed, he thought that he had gotten away from Roger for once...what he didn't know is that his foot was right in front of him and he tripped out it. Flailing his arms to break his...
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee was currently pinned on the floor with Roger sitting on him, he squirmed with all of his strength but had extreme difficulty getting his brother off of his back. "Why is it always me that gets picked on?" Lee muttered between his teeth, Roger getting much more heavy as the seconds passed. As...
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee smiled evilly as his sister opened the door, he barreled up the stairs without uttering a single word of appreciation to her looking for his brother.
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee gave Estrella a crooked smile and held out his hand; trying to keep his temper and be polite. "It's nice to meet you Estrella, I'm Lee." he said with a curt nod. After a split moment of standing there awkwardly he turned slowly back to the door and started pounding on it once more...
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    Thomas Homestead

    Lee shot up to his feet abruptly as he noticed Kale and a girl standing next to him, "Holy s--" he stopped himself, "I didn't know you were going to be here." Lee said with a raised brow and looked over at Estrella, "I'm sorry...I'm kind of--locked out..again..." he said coldly, biting his lip...
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    Thomas Homestead

    With a flourish of his wand, the trash that stood before him had disappeared. Lee stood for a moment with the moonlit sky twinkling above him, a slight breeze ruffled his hair as he enjoyed the peace and quiet. After getting a hold of himself after what had happened in the kitchen, he tried to...
  9. L

    Thomas Homestead

    Lee's face went stone cold as his mother yelled at him, how did Roger alway slip his way out of these things? Deciding that fresh air does the body good anyways, he walked toward the trashcan and carried it to the front door; he opened the door and walked outside, closing the door behind him.
  10. L

    Thomas Homestead

    "Greeting Roger, deary." Lee said in a girly voice, quite annoyed with his twin brothers childish behavior. Jumping up and down he mirrored his brothers gestures obnoxiously.
  11. L

    Thomas Homestead

    Lee had finally broken free from his closet and barreled down the stairs as quick as he can, looking for sweet revenge on his brother. "Come out, come out...where ever you are!" Lee said evilly while wringing his hands. At the sight of his brother he planned on jumping on him and giving him a...