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  1. Cleo Huynh

    First Years, Lesson Two

    Cleo entered the greenhouse, humming to herself happily. The professor being her head of house made her a little more comfortable in this class compared to the others, simply due to familiarity. Everything else was still new and strange. She observed the pallets curiously and listened as the...
  2. Cleo Huynh

    Open (Unofficial) Gobstones Club Meeting

    Cleo was in a nosy mood and wanted to find out what on earth Gobstones was. It sounded like some weird Australian slang her mum would get mad about, but Cleo didn't think that sounded right for a school club. She made her way down to the courtyard to observe what was happening. Seeing one of the...
  3. Cleo Huynh

    Transfiguration 1:1

    Cleo had trouble finding the Transfiguration classroom and arrived a little late. Mumbling a hurried apology to the professor, she slipped through the door and found a seat. Transfiguration sounded like one of the more interesting classes to her and she could tell from the name alone roughly...
  4. Cleo Huynh

    Charms 1:1

    Cleo didn't know what to expect from her first Charms lesson, so she quietly took her seat and listened to the professor. The first week of classes was a bit stressful, but Cleo was managing so far. She didn't have a favourite subject yet and it was still too early for her to feel anything about...
  5. Cleo Huynh

    Open Y47 Club Fair

    Cleo had been excited to sign up for some clubs and possibly make some friends, but she had severely underestimated how many people would be there. She still didn't even know what clubs she wanted to join. Trying not to pay attention to the crowded area, Cleo picked her way through the tables...
  6. Cleo Huynh

    First Years, Lesson One

    Cleo was fascinated by History of Magic. She'd found some history books before attending her first class, but hadn't wanted to read them and ruin the surprise of what kind of things they could be learning. Being from a muggle background, she thought she may have put herself at a disadvantage...
  7. Cleo Huynh

    First Years, Lesson One

    Cleo didn't know how Herbology could be a whole class on its own, but then she didn't really know how any of the classes here worked. She was just going with the flow and pretending like everything was fine in the hopes that it eventually would be. The greenhouse was really pretty and Cleo...
  8. Cleo Huynh

    Cleo Huyhn

    head full of dreams & pockets full of stardust Name: Cleo Huynh Nicknames: None Birthday: 3rd June Gender: Female Ethnicity: Vietnamese Nationality: New Zealand Hometown: Coromandel, New Zealand Education: Hogwarts New Zealand Zodiac: Gemini Appearance Hair: Long and dark with a fringe. She...
  9. cleosig.png

