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  1. Cassielle Bonetti

    Closed Honeymoon Blues

    Cassi had really enjoyed a beautiful wedding- she and Celestyn had finally done it, had a gorgeous ceremony in New York and had made it all official. They'd decided to honeymoon in Italy, leaving Caspian with Charlie for a few weeks while they were away. Cassi hadn't expected this- she'd never...
  2. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi smiled, and chuckled softly. "Alright, alright. I'll let you go," She held up a finger. "But," She winked playfully, "I expect the both of you back for dinner this weekend. Deal?" She offered out her hand, intending to get at least a semi-solid promise from one of them for a proper visit.
  3. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi smiled and summoned over a book she'd bought when she'd moved in with Celestyn. "Here, I picked this up when I first started," She told him, sliding it over- it was a beginners guide to household herb gardens, with sticky notes sticking out. "I've highlighted a few things and left some...
  4. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi let him speak, sipping on her drink and nodding as he slowly got out his thoughts. She smiled. "A quiet life seems like a good one for the two of you. I think you've both had enough trouble for a lifetime." She reached out to touch his hand. "Perhaps you could try to take up gardening? Its...
  5. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi shook her head, smiling at Einar. It was nice to have him back around, in spite of all the drama. "No, he likes to play things a little closer to the vest." She admitted. "I can understand that, though." She took a bite of her food. "Back to you, though," She steered the conversation his...
  6. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi chuckled, a warm smile on her face at the shift to her other boys. "They're doing well," She offered. "Celestyn is a wonderful father, he always seems happiest with the boys." She mused, thinking to the smile he kept for their sons. She loved seeing that warmth on his face. "Charlie is...
  7. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi smiled softly and reached out, intending to ruffle his hair. "You shouldn't baby him too much, Einar. He's never liked the feeling that others pitied him. Why do you think he never told anyone about his brothers?" She asked. "He would rather run away from home than have someone look at him...
  8. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi chuckled. "Einar, you can take another fifteen minutes to eat your food." She told him. "You can't just pop in, have me solve your issues, then run off again," She tried to knock her foot against his. "I missed you, too, you know. Not nearly as much, perhaps, but Lucas isn't the only one...
  9. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi chuckled, and stood, moving to the fridge and pulling out the chinese takeout she'd ordered earlier that morning. "Well, if that's all settled, lets get some food." She moved back to the table, starting to set everything out. "Enough about Lucas. Tell me about you. How are you doing?" She...
  10. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi gave Einar a small smile. "So do I, kid, so do I," She agreed, refilling her coffee. "But neither of you have been dealt the best hands in life. All you can do is make the best of the cards you have." She tried to reassure him. "He loves you, even now. He's always loved you, and that look...
  11. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi shrugged. "I've yet to see Lucas be pushed too much," She admitted. "He's gotten better with expressing his own boundaries and wants as he's gotten older and away from his brothers, but he's still very quiet. You'll just have to watch him, talk with him, try to encourage open...
  12. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi hummed, her heart warmed by the surety and firmness of Einars reassurance. She let a little smile cross her lips. She sat back, picking her drink back up. "Then your answer is easy," She countered. "Right now, Lucas is withdrawn into himself. He doesn't want to push you the way he did when...
  13. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi sipped her drink, listening to Einar speak. She sighed softly, picking her words carefully. “Einar, leaving was the best thing for you when you chose that path.” She spoke slowly. “You needed time and space on your own.” She traced her finger over the edge of her cup. “But leaving did have...
  14. cassisig.png


  15. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi summoned over some drinks to go with lunch. “We're good, he's growing like a weed,” she countered, sipping her coffee. “Charlie is moving in with a friend of his, and Celestyn is a sweetheart. How are you?” She asked, studying the worry written plainly on his face. "How are things?"
  16. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi had just finished setting the table when she heard the knock on the door. "Come in," She called, moving to get them a few drinks. "Hey, kiddo," She greeted him with an easy smile, putting the drinks on the table and sitting down in one chair while motioning to the other. "Just in time."
  17. Cassielle Bonetti

    Seeking Out Advice

    Cassi was home alone- mostly, Caspian was down for a nap. Celestyn was off on a job and Charlie was at school for the majority of the day, something about a major project. She'd not been surprised when Einar asked to come by, and had set about making a lunch she thought he'd enjoy. She'd been...
  18. Cassielle Bonetti

    Closed The Paths Life Takes Us

    Cassi yawned, and shook her head. "No," She protested, shifting a bit to be more comfortable. "Go to him," She tried to shoo Celestyn away, unsure if she'd managed it. "He should meet him..." She slipped off to sleep as she was talking, unable for once to finish an argument with Celestyn.
  19. Cassielle Bonetti

    Closed The Paths Life Takes Us

    Cassi gave a breathless laugh. "Go ahead, take him," She encouraged with a yawn. "And bring Charlie in soon, he should meet Caspian," She brought a hand up, feeling the air with her eyes closed with the intent of touching Celestyn's face. "Get a picture or something, I'm not going to remember...
  20. Cassielle Bonetti

    Closed The Paths Life Takes Us

    Cassi relaxed for half a second when Celestyn came in, gripping his hand tightly. She'd done this on her own once already, she didn't want to do it again. She leaned into his touch, struggling to catch her breath. "You're getting fixed after this," She groaned, before the doctor had her start...