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  1. Sunday Weeks

    Closed A Private Moment

    Sunday had decided to approach one of her sisters about her problems. Not wanting to burden Saturday with it, she'd instead sent a note to Friday, asking her sister to meet her in the abandoned classroom. It was out of the way, and not something everyone sought out immediately. She took a few...
  2. Sunday Weeks

    Closed Stupid Stick

    Sunday was struggling to get through her classes, and that just wouldn't be acceptable. She had to take care of this, she had to get on top of this stupid, stubborn wand. She'd gone to the trophy room, figuring there was less traffic there, and had set up a few little stuffed animals on an empty...
  3. Sunday Weeks

    Closed Needing a Crew

    Deciding to continue her accrual of minions, Sunday made her way to the seventh floor, looking to catch another Ravenclaw she'd had positive interactions with in the past. It wasn't hard to find him- it was always easier finding people when you had an idea of who you were looking for. Plus, it...
  4. Sunday Weeks

    Closed Good Little Minions

    Sunday was ready for her first year without her brother. Sure, there would be plenty of her siblings still her. But baby steps. Not completely pleased with how her first year had gone, she was determined to make a more impressive splash this year. And one of her first steps was to get a minion...
  5. Sunday Weeks

    Open A Little Behind

    Sunday had taken a bit longer to make sure she looked amazing, and she was regretting it a little bit as she arrived at the dance, looking around just to see that anyone she had wanted to speak to origanally was already occupied. She pouted a little and got herself a drink, sitting at an empty...
  6. Sunday Weeks

    Closed Standing Out

    Sunday had decided that she didn't want to be just another girl in a dress. She'd styled something that she thought looked amazing. She sauntered into the Yule Ball with all the confidence in the world. She knew that at least three boys would want to ask her to dance, so she decided to save...
  7. Sunday Weeks

    Closed Polished Perfection

    Sunday had decided to settle in a window seat on the fourth floor. The library, the student lounge, and a majority of the hufflepuffs would be on this floor. It was a perfect spot for people watching. She lounged in the window, a few pillows propped up behind her. She was wearing a paire of...