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  1. Alicia Richelieu

    Closed A Fragile Little Flame

    Alicia wasn't completely inexperienced when it came to romance, but she had never gone to a ball with someone before. She had known about the dances at Hogwarts beforehand, so she had brought a dress, but she had never thought she would get asked out by a cute girl. A cute girl who also happened...
  2. Alicia Richelieu

    Closed Seated on the Sidelines

    Alicia had donned her Quidditch gear and taken her broom to the pitch. After flying a few circles and doing some drills, she quickly grew bored of practicing alone. As it was getting late, she decided to head over to the stands. She flew over, stepped off her broom onto one of the benches, and...
  3. Alicia Richelieu

    Open One Step Back

    Alicia knew she should be happy with the results from the tryouts, and she was, sort of. She was glad she was on the team even if it was as an alternate, but it still felt like a step backwards. She had been one of the main chasers on her old team and had been for three years, and now... she had...
  4. Alicia Richelieu

    Alicia Elise Richelieu

    Name: Alicia Elise Richelieu Birthdate: 15/5/2047 Blood status: Mixed Blood Zodiac sign: Taurus Sexuality: Bisexual Hometown: Nice, France School: Beauxbatons, transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand House: Gryffindor Clubs: SDA (Student Defense Association) Wand: Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Swishy Dogwood...