Hogwarts New Zealand

Connor Holland
Connor Holland
Thank you! Please don't beat people up :(
Eric Holland
Eric Holland
Well you're not going to
Connor Holland
Connor Holland
I'm sorry...
Sydney Townsend
Sydney Townsend
Can't you think of a way to solve your problems that doesn't involve your fists for once? :oy:
Eric Holland
Eric Holland
As long as you're one of my problems? No.
Sydney Townsend
Sydney Townsend
I hope your brother doesn't take after you, heaven forbid the school be subjected two of you idiots running around.
Eric Holland
Eric Holland
Shut your mouth about my brother.
Connor Holland
Connor Holland
Please don't fight :(
Sydney Townsend
Sydney Townsend
Well, I see where all the sense in your family went.
Connor Holland
Connor Holland
You're not very nice...