Hogwarts New Zealand

Briar Rowan-Cullen
Briar Rowan-Cullen
And will werewolf support services actually get any support. Or will the be told everything that they want to do is already surposed to be being done by St Mungos. There is a whole branch of the ministry dedicated to it. And I am sure the hospital has need for their resources somewhere else.
Claudia Holland
Claudia Holland
Although the Ministry isn't directly in charge of decisions regarding St. Mungo's, we are open to working together. If there are specific and concrete problems St. Mungo's needs Ministry help with, people from relevant departments will listen to any requests from St. Mungo's management. Broad statements don't give me nor anyone else within the Ministry enough information to take action.
Claudia Holland
Claudia Holland
I suggest approaching the department you need through proper channels.
Briar Rowan-Cullen
Briar Rowan-Cullen
I mean keep doing what you a doing to help people like me. But I am sure my support services can do some of it to help free some healer time for other conditions.