Hogwarts New Zealand

Aelin Fox
Aelin Fox
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!! :party: :party: We are now a full handful of fingers!!! Isn't that cool?!?
Eden Adler-Cade
Eden Adler-Cade
What happens next year :c We will have no fingers spare!
Aelin Fox
Aelin Fox
I don't know we can use the other hand? and when we run out we can use our feet fingers, toos whatever those are called again?
Eden Adler-Cade
Eden Adler-Cade
I don't wanna be a too
Aelin Fox
Aelin Fox
what's that? :o
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
haha five, you are soooooooo small just wait til you turn seven like me :)
Aelin Fox
Eden Adler-Cade
Eden Adler-Cade
@aelin you said toos!
@nesta you're so old
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
yep that's because I eat all my vegetables
Eden Adler-Cade
Eden Adler-Cade
even carrots?!
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
Nesta Layton-Strangewayes
especially carrots they are good for you so make sure you eat ALL your vegetables and one day you'll be as big as me maybe
Eden Adler-Cade
Eden Adler-Cade
i think someone is lying to you. food isn't for growing, it's to stop your tummy making loud noises.