Hogwarts New Zealand

Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
@Willow Except I didn’t. they are all perfectly acceptable animal names translated in Norwegian. And the orange is an even worse name for a dog, and you probably shouldn’t have one larger than a Chihuahua in your apartment anyway.
@casper, baby. It’s Valentine’s Day. We have plans for tonight at your favourite place. But if your hungry I can get you something now.
Ivy Cullen
Ivy Cullen
Oh Merlin. My siblings are all flirting again. Can you please just get a room and make it official already, or is this you two actually making it official?
@Maisie Morvay please help me out here. This is weird right?
Maisie Morvay
Maisie Morvay
Personally Ives I think it's sweet :wub: they'll figure it out eventually, and tell us when they're ready.
Basil Kinnek
Basil Kinnek
🍿 👀 Wills, you just love chaos, don't you?
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Cas, what kind of food is it? i have not been feeling particularly well recently. But I should be feeling better soon and it would be nice to see you both
Lin: The orange is not a dog, or a cat, or a goldfish or any kind of pet.
Ivy: it's not weird.
Maisie: thank you.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Bas: no I do not love chaos. But it is my middle name (well actually it's luna) I wasn't even trying to cause chaos. All I did was wish you a happy Valentine's Day. Besides I can not be held fully responsible for my actions given the circumstances. do you want to tell them?
Basil Kinnek
Basil Kinnek
Nah, I like surprises. I'll give a prize to whoever can guess it- though I might disqualify Cas if he ruins the contest. Observant little brat probably has some good guesses already.
Casper Kinnek
Casper Kinnek
First of all, rude. Willow, its a new Indian place, I hear their curry is to die for. Lin, fine, but we might need to take Ivy out for curry later.
Ivy Cullen
Ivy Cullen
You two have finally decided to stop hiding the fact that you are obviously fitting and date? also where is the sibling betting pool for Will and Bas dating? I did great on the lin and cas ones (and their proposal ones).
and curry sounds yummy.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Ivy: seeing as I am usually the one who runs the betting pool, there is none for this one. But there is a prize instead.
Basil: yeah, I think Cas managed to work it out at Christmas, with no hints. Which is way quicker than all of the rest of you.
And Ives you only did well because you had insider information and you were too young for us to call out for cheating.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Cas: I can eat curry, that would be nice. but maybe give it a couple of weeks for my tummy to settle first. your prize can be knowing about it almost two months before anyone else. (and maybe i will shout when we go out for curry)
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
Casss you’ve known something is going on since Christmas and you haven’t told me? Can I have a hint or I’m divorcing your ass. (You know I would never. I love you far too much)
Casper Kinnek
Casper Kinnek
Lin, baby, Willow will share when she wants to. I notice lots of things I don't mention. And Willow, we can go for lunch later.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
But she wants to tell us now. She wouldn't be making us guess if she doesn't.
come on Ivy, Maisie, do you have any ideas?
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
That was a good subtle hint there cas. i like it. Lunch in a couple of weeks sounds good. Maybe by then we will be at a stage where even pipsqueak will notice.
Ivy Cullen
Ivy Cullen
ooh ooh i think i have it. but I'm not going to say anything. and see how long it will take for Lindennn, Babyyyyy, to get it.
Ivy Cullen
Ivy Cullen
Have you worked it out yet Lin?
and on a completely unrelated note, how is the hypergryff you were looking after over Christmas? Has she had her foal yet?
Casper Kinnek
Casper Kinnek
I've got some sketches if you want to see them, Ives.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
She is doing well and is due next week. Though she is struggling a bit with the heat we have been having recently. Cas has enjoyed drawing her.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
ahh I hope everything goes well with her. I am glad it is going to be winter by the time I am that far along.