Hogwarts New Zealand

Professor James Cade
Professor James Cade
Are we happy about it?
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Yes of course, but James, I don’t think I can stay with the Aurors anymore
Professor James Cade
Professor James Cade
Good because I'm happy about it! Are you wanting to get out of the field?
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Geovanna Adler-Cade
It's not want I want, but I think it's what I need for the sake of our family.
I've never considered doing anything else though, I don't even know where to start.
Professor James Cade
Professor James Cade
Not to suggest copying me, but have you ever considered teaching?
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Geovanna Adler-Cade
I suppose it would make the most sense. I could stay with the subject, I could stay with the children.
I've been working toward being the best Auror for over twenty years, maybe it is time to help others who want to join the cause instead.
Professor James Cade
Professor James Cade
I'll be sad neither of us will end up head auror, but maybe one of our students will.
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Geovanna Adler-Cade
Have you spoken to Bailey about whether she still intends to join the Aurors?
Professor James Cade
Professor James Cade
Last I heard she still wanted to. But I'm hoping to change her mind.