Hogwarts New Zealand

Mikael Nightray
Mikael Nightray
Not for you.
Theodore Nightray
Theodore Nightray
Hello my dear sweet tiny lioness cub~ My slithering cousin is very much hissy and very much bite-y but if you want eavesdropping tips, yours truly would help willingly if you swear to cause all the headaches for Mr. Grumpy over there.
Mania Athanasiou
Mania Athanasiou
Great well see, at least someone here is willing to help the younger students. @Theodore Nightray I shall be all ears, I promise to be a nuisance to the best of my ability, I think.🫡
Theodore Nightray
Theodore Nightray
Off to greatness, my young pupil! Let me teach you the wonders of Extendable Ears all the way from my homeland!
Mikael Nightray
Mikael Nightray
hugh laurie facepalm GIF
Mania Athanasiou
Mania Athanasiou
Lovely! Can't wait!

Fire Elmo GIF
Hera Athanasiou
Hera Athanasiou