Hogwarts New Zealand

Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
Ye, I'm okay. Demi is a filthy liar.
Susie Lagowski
Susie Lagowski
Ughhh. Wanna catch up? xx
Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
yes please!
Echolyn Zephyr
Echolyn Zephyr
So you’re the one who broke my sisters nose, yes?
Victoria de Lacey
Echolyn Zephyr
Echolyn Zephyr
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
Merlin, what on earth happened? YOU BROKE HER NOSE? :zombie: Are you okay? Is everyone else okay?
Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
I'm fine. she deserved it.
Eoghan Blyth
Eoghan Blyth
How’s your hand?
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
Agreed, but you sure you are fine? Do you need anything?
Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
they fixed it up real good, mending bones is easy. thank you for asking though!
Victoria de Lacey
Victoria de Lacey
im okay, thanks lili
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
Well let me know if you need anything but also you kinda rock you know :oy:<3
Demi Zephyr
Demi Zephyr
Wow Lilith, this is how you repay me for looking out for you? You and your horrible boyfriend deserve each other.
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
Looking out for me? You were only looking out for yourself, using me as nothing more than a mere pawn just to get at people you dislike. Don't say I owe you anything, I don't, I don't need friends who are going to use me to hurt others.
Demi Zephyr
Demi Zephyr
Yeah I was looking out for you! If you want to date a cheater then be my guest, I’m won’t get in your way any more.
Lilith Ilves
Lilith Ilves
as if you knew anything that goes on between me and him nor him and Tori, you only see what you want to see and use it to hurt those you don't dislike. Did you stop to think about the consequences or just roll with it to try and create a rift?