Hogwarts New Zealand

Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
I think Professor Castillo made a mistake, I certainly didn't ask for it!
Morrie Ayre
Morrie Ayre
More like Castillo is cackling in his office right now. Don’t go all June on me, prefect!
Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
I'm insulted that you think this stupid badge would make me anything like her. The only upside is how much she'll hate seeing me in that common room with her.
Morrie Ayre
Morrie Ayre
Okay good. I’d love to see her face when she finds out!
June Davenport
June Davenport
We agree than it is sure that he made an mistake. Or there weren't any options left and he had to go with garbage. We will see how long that badge is yours. I'm willing to bet on it, won't last longer than a year.
Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
Why are you always in my business? Obsessed much?
June Davenport
June Davenport
Have fun with your badge. Looking forward to see you fail. xoxo
Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
June Davenport
June Davenport
Keep dreaming. I didn’t tried so hard to “prank” someone with paint. And than get caught. Why would you do so much trouble for nothing. Your the ones who are obsessed deny it all you want.
Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
o b s e s s e d
June Davenport
June Davenport
With me ;) I know
Vanity Mettlestone
Vanity Mettlestone
And she just keeps coming back!
Audrey Beauchamp
Audrey Beauchamp
It's giving obsessed. June, why do you like hanging around younger students like a bad smell? Does nobody in your own year level like you?