Hogwarts New Zealand

Sawyer Carnahan
Sawyer Carnahan
Note to self; seduce the enemy
Tilly Drage
Tilly Drage
I think you learned the definition of 'sportsmanship' from the wrong place, Jordie.
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Do you know how hard I had to try to seduce the enemy xD Damn straight I'm going to love on him now!
Renata Stepanova
Renata Stepanova
...don't worry Tilly, your two other chasers have taste. :r
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
*le gasp* Betrayal!
Tilly Drage
Tilly Drage
Be right back Jordie, gotta go throw up.
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Boooo, what happened to your romantic side?
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
Hey lil Bro. Didn't I teach you anything during training? When it comes to quidditch, you are loyal to your house. Only if your team isn't playing can you support anyone else. And don't wish their beaters good luck because that is the same as wishing your seeker goodbye and Felix doesn't deserve to be wiped out.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
If you really have to cheer them on cheering them in private or in a way that says "good luck, hope you don't get hurt, or we don't beat you too badly is acceptable."
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Lin i appreciate it but me cheering for my boyfriend isn't going to change how he plays, and while i do value all of my team and want them to do well I'm not going to ignore the boy i love for a game. not all of us are willing to yell at our soft artists for loving other people too
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
It won't change how he plays, but will change how your team plays, the others look up to you. and you all need to play well together against Slytherin.
Ouch, that was a little below the belt. I didn't say to ignore him or yell at him, but don't upset the team or give them the idea that you don't want them to win.
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
So was yelling at the marshmellow. Yes, I encouraged my boyfriend on the other team. I also turned around and immediately encouraged my teammates. You seem to forget sometimes that this game isnt about winning. Its a fun competition between friends. It doesnt matter which team my friends are on. I'm loyal to everyone.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
Marshmellow? of course the game isn't all about winning, it is about house, pride, loyalty, and cooperation. and ending slytherins winning streak.
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Casper. You know, the pretty blond you basically ignored for like, five years. Its a game, Linden. I don't buy into "everyone else is the enemy."
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
This is not about me and Cas. and i did not ignore him for five years.
It is a match. off the pitch be friends with everyone. on the pitch different story.
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
oh shove off, you're so far up on that high horse you cant see a thing
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Linden. Calm down. You are sounding like me and mum.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
Oh merlin. you are both right I do and yeah, I am probably not the best person to listen to when it comes to teamwork.
Linden Kinnek
Linden Kinnek
I'm Sorry Jordie
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
bugger off