Hogwarts New Zealand

Odette Madison
Odette Madison
You won't for long...
Norton Gillespie
Norton Gillespie
Odette Madison
Odette Madison
I wonder if you'll say this from your bed in the hospital wing.
Isaac Kain
Isaac Kain
Least he's being hit while on the pitch this time.
Norton Gillespie
Norton Gillespie
RIGHT! Always look on the brightside!
Odette Madison
Odette Madison
Looking on the bright side? Alright. Here's hoping you knock yourself out.
Isaac Kain
Isaac Kain
Yeah, to be fair if either of you want to come to the Hospital Wing, it will be more practise for me ;) This game is child's play compared to when you come against Ravenclaw. Best make the most of it while you still can.
Odette Madison
Odette Madison
Anyone else hear buzzing? Sounds like an annoying insect.
Isaac Kain
Isaac Kain
Nah I don't hear anything. Do you need your ears tested? Don't want your balance to knock you off your broom..