Hogwarts New Zealand

Thomas Jusantrea
Thomas Jusantrea
Why should I do this?
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
She is your friend.
She was treathme like rat. She deserve pain
Allison Jusantrea
Allison Jusantrea
'She deserved pain'? Merlin I thought you were supposed to be nice. :mortified:
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
I am so done with be nice.
She bullied me and she deserved.
Allison Jusantrea
Allison Jusantrea
I'm a little shocked you did it though, I thought prefects were supposed to set an example? Like sure, heat of the moment, you got mad, but still saying she deserved it? That's harsh.
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
She tell me that she will be write Maxwell family and trathen me. You won't be mad?
Allison Jusantrea
Allison Jusantrea
Not mad enough to still think she deserved pain. I might've punched her in the nose, but generally if I get mad enough to fight I leave it there. Still going on about it is just another way of letting them win. I might've knocked Luxen down way back in the day but I didn't spare him another thought after the fight was over and I'd calmed down.
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
You probably right, thanky for doing this
now i feel bad.
Thomas Jusantrea
Thomas Jusantrea
Jenna, what were you trying to do to Tina's pain?
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
She will be problems with Knees.
I won't use imperio. I am not craizy
Thomas Jusantrea
Thomas Jusantrea
Thinking about the consequences? do you think what Austin will say?
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Why you care so much?
You always so bisy to me.
Allison Jusantrea
Allison Jusantrea
You literally came here to brag about hurting her... you physically hurt her? Because she threatened to talk badly about you to your boyfriends family? ....Thomas, my dad loves you already, some random cousin could never change his mind. You know that, right? Or mine.
Thomas Jusantrea
Thomas Jusantrea
Because I don't want you to have to be in pain.
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
I will be fine.
I will go May end to Rumania.
Thomas Jusantrea
Thomas Jusantrea
You will be leaving school before graduation?
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell
Can we talk about this post?