Ilija Olaf
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  • hey so, im not coming back. I didn't mean for it to happen like this and I know we're like sort of not even kind of friends really, a lot, but you helped me with stuff and ... yeah, so, I thought I owed you like... an explanation sort of.
    Rowan Baros
    Rowan Baros
    I really wanted to get to know more about you and be your friend and stuff. Just, you know, take care. Watch out for Chrys but like you know that... since he's your roommate. Ugh, this is the worst good bye message, I should have done this in person, I'm the worst.
    Rowan Baros
    Rowan Baros
    Please don't hate me.
    xx Rowan.
    Ilija Olaf
    Ilija Olaf
    I think we are friends, even if we don’t talk a lot. I’m sorry the last year has been so hard for you. It will be strange that you and Elio won’t be around anymore, but I understand and think you should both do what’s best for you. I can watch out for Chrys for you if you want.
    I don’t hate you.
    Good luck Rowan x
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