Hogwarts New Zealand

Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Good for him. I hoped that he would find someone else.
Zennon Baros
Zennon Baros
Seems a bit early to me. But sure.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
It has been three months it is only a date. I was hoping that he would find someone else.
Alexis Kramer
Alexis Kramer
I don't think it is in his heart to find someone else,Willow.
Zennon Baros
Zennon Baros
Thank you Alexis
Alexis Kramer
Alexis Kramer
I'll talk to him but I think Willow should talk to him too.
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
he needs to find someone else. I am not a good person and if I talk to him it would mess up any progress he has made.
Alexis Kramer
Alexis Kramer
You are wonderful, Willow. I know you are, otherwise,Noelle would still be the quiet nerd he was. Although he went back to it but worse. I don't think he has made any progress because... he is different when he is with us. He leaves us saying he will just take a walk and when he comes back, he looks even more down.
Noelle Maxwell
Noelle Maxwell
Alexis...Just...I'm tired...It's okay... I will be okay.
Chante Harvelle-Ateara
Chante Harvelle-Ateara
...can you guys let my cousin breathe for a bit? I think this is a bit overwhelming for her.