Hogwarts New Zealand

Jatin Tiwari
Jatin Tiwari
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Umm Hey noelle. And hi Jatin.
Zennon Baros
Zennon Baros
Sorry to interrupt Noelle, Will, I want to throw a goodbye party for the headgirl and boy, mostly Leda, do you think i could get your opinion?
Jatin Tiwari
Jatin Tiwari
Noelle Maxwell
Noelle Maxwell
@Jatin Tiwari we should hang out sometime.
@Willow Cullen are you free to talk....sometime maybe???
@Zennon Baros I heard my relative is planning to throw a party for them too since she is friends with the Head Boy. Maybe you should organize with her.
Zennon Baros
Zennon Baros
Who’s that?