Hogwarts New Zealand

Mary Lou Layton
Mary Lou Layton
Please, just leave me alone, please
Wendall Layton
Wendall Layton
Leave her alone, Luxen
Luxen Silverback II
Luxen Silverback II
Maybe I would if she wasn't constantly choking and ruining classes... I'm thinking that's not going to happen.
Mary Lou Layton
Mary Lou Layton
I nearly died!
Wendall Layton
Wendall Layton
You don't need to be mean
Luxen Silverback II
Luxen Silverback II
That was a week ago, get over yourself Chokingpuff and I like being mean to those that deserve it.
Wendall Layton
Wendall Layton
No one deserves someone else being mean to them. One day you'll need someone to help you but there won't be anyone.
Mary Lou Layton
Mary Lou Layton
You’re just a... uh, a big... snake!
Wendall Layton
Luxen Silverback II
Luxen Silverback II
I need to carry more tissues for all the crying that goes on in this school, it's pathetic that wizards would act like muggles.
Mary Lou Layton
Wendall Layton
Wendall Layton
Just ignore him Mary Lou, he's not very nice.
Beau Chamberlin
Beau Chamberlin
Back off, gorilla.
Luxen Silverback II
Luxen Silverback II
Lol never heard that before Chamberlin, trying to get Chokingpuff to go out with you? I'm sure Layton will be crushed.
Leda Layton
Leda Layton
Is there a problem?
Zennon Baros
Zennon Baros
Merlin, I generally support my house, but you need to back off kid.
Luxen Silverback II
Luxen Silverback II
I don't have a problem just enjoying some free speech, everyone else seems to have a problem with that.
Leda Layton
Leda Layton
Well then I hope you don't mind me using a little "free speech" in the next upcoming issue.