Hogwarts New Zealand

Avarian Lockwood
Avarian Lockwood
Yes, sweetheart?
Avaria Lockwood
Avaria Lockwood
...is there something wrong with me?
Avarian Lockwood
Avarian Lockwood
What are you talking about? How can there be something wrong with a person so talented and lovable like you?
Avaria Lockwood
Avaria Lockwood
...but the only ones you've never left are the twins. And Zephyr is gay but is still in love with his girl best friend Rowan but Vader doesnt love me like that. And the boy I was starting to like didnt like me. And Philip just comes and goes all the time....

....I'm not special....
Avarian Lockwood
Avarian Lockwood
Honey, just because I left when you were little does not mean you are not special. If you weren't, I would not bother looking for you. Right? And your friends are still there loving you, in a different level. Different than mine. Now that Philip, he is something else. I know you like him Avaria and he does too. Give it time.

Honey, are you jealous of the twins?
Avaria Lockwood
Avaria Lockwood
...but you didnt look for me. You only came back after mama was gone... and Im not sure I even want him to like me, all hes done is yell and make me cry and tried to make me stop talking to Timmy.

...maybe a little. Part of me is worried this is when you leave again and part of me is jealous they'll never have to figure out how to live without you like the rest of us.