Hogwarts New Zealand

Yvette Maxwell
Yvette Maxwell
Get a room you two!
Willow Cullen
Willow Cullen
Yvette Maxwell
Joshua Toubia
Joshua Toubia
Alexis Kramer
Alexis Kramer

Had this photo with you two and never thought you have that chemistry.
Joshua Toubia
Joshua Toubia
I look like a dork.
Yvette Maxwell
Yvette Maxwell
That smug face my brother does when he needs the bathroom
Joshua Toubia
Joshua Toubia
Oh, h-hey Yvette...
Noelle Maxwell
Noelle Maxwell
Yvette, you do not want me spilling beans here about you, do you?

Is that my bro stuttering?
Yvette Maxwell
Yvette Maxwell
Oh hushed, you want me to spill something other than beans on Willow? I have pictures from 16 years ago.