Astronomy 1:5


Adorah rushed up the stairs as quick as she could, feeling extremely rushed as she arrived to her door just in time to unlock it. There were already a few students waiting, and Adorah smiled at them as they entered, taking a moment at her desk to catch her breath before it was time for class to start. "Good evening all! Tonight, we are going to gaze up at the universe. But first, we shall look at that list I promised last week, and I'd like you all to write them down." Professor Zumwalt's tone was a little more serious, as she really wanted the students to take the time writing them down. It helped with retention. "Please come during my office hours if you need any extra help as you start to prepare for your exam, which is only a few weeks away," she added.

Definition said:
Axis: a line about which a body rotates.
Celestial sphere: an imaginary sphere of which the Earth is the center and on which all celestial objects are considered to sit.
Ellipse: an oval shaped circle, the type of path the Earth takes around the sun.
Horizon: is what appears to be where the separation of the earth and sky is in the distance.Links provided to images of each word for reference.

"Alright, once done, I'd like everyone to get into pairs," she said, pausing for them to form their own groups. When a case of an extra student popped up, she'd allow them to join a pair. "Now, we will take a telescope up, one per group. Someone can carry it up, and another can carry it down, as they can be a little heavier than expected." Adorah began to lead them out of their classroom and up to the upper level of the Astronomy tower. She could hear excited whispering going on behind her, and she was excited to show them the sky.

"Alright, quiet down," Professor Zumwalt said with a pause to let the chatter fade down as they all stood in the viewing room. "I want you to take your telescrope and find the Southern Cross, also known as Crux. The Southern Cross contains five main stars, four of which are points of the cross. It was commonly used like Polaris, the North Star, for navigation as it is the closest to where the southern axis of the Earth points out into the stars. It will likely be in this general area over here, but don't forget to look at your books for some extra guidance." She walked around for awhile, helping the students point their telescopes in the correct direction. One pair decided to look through the wrong end, something she tried very hard not to laugh at as she corrected them. Once everyone had successfully found the constellation, with or without her assistance, she spoke up again. "Alright, I just want to mention before we go a little more about the North Star. In astronomy, we refer to it as Polaris, and it's part of the constellation Ursa Minor. This may appear in your exams so mark that down once we get back to the classroom to get our things. That's about it for today. Make sure to look over your definitions, as well!" she said, dismissing the class as she closed up the upper part of the tower.

For full credit, RP the lesson.
If any student or pair would like assistance, please take Adorah.
Daisuke hurried to the Astronomy classroom, rubbing his arms against the chill. He liked Astronomy enough but it left him quite groggy the next morning. As soon as he found his seat, he pulled out his parchment of notes as well as his quill and ink. There was quite the list of definitions to go through but he copied them all down carefully. Some of them made sense right away, but he had to read a couple of terms just to make sure he was getting it right. When the professor asked them to pair up, Daisuke hesitated. He didn't really interact with any of the other students so he wasn't quite sure who he could approach. One was nice enough to pair up with him though so he went up with them, carefully carrying the telescope. Finding the stars was tricky since he'd never actually used a telescope before but between he and his partner, they eventually figured it out. When class was dismissed, he helped carry the telescope back down before thanking his partner and leaving the room.
Astronomy was one of those interesting ones, Christa thought, because it was a little weird to think about whether or not they would be required to know all of it. It wasn’t something she particularly worried about honestly, but she didn’t dislike astronomy. She found that she quite liked it honestly, it was fun to play around with the settings on the viewers. Professor Zumwalt instructed them to pair up and so Christa grinned at one of the Hufflepuff boys she’d paired up with previously and worked with him on it. She helped to set up the telescope and then struggled to find the Southern Cross, swapping out with Daisuke for him to find it. “I think I see it?” she whispered to him uncertainly after a moment and the professor stopped by to help them out. The four bright stars came into focus after that and she mades notes on them, and made a note to review Polaris and Ursa Minor later.​
Henri walked into the astronomy classroom and took his usual spot int he room. He nodded at what they would be doing, but rolled his eyes that they needed to write stuff down before they could look in the telescope. He wrote them down quickly and hoped the professor wouldn’t look at it since his notes were not going to be that good. He then paired up with someone as instructed and then found the southern cross as professor told them to. He liked looking at the stars, it was quickly becoming his favourite part of the class. He was disappointed that they therefore didn’t spend more time looking at the stars. He then packed up his things and left the room.

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