Fourth Years, Lesson Four

Noel stood close to the entrance of the classroom door, just like last week. He wanted to make sure everyone was ok. He had the jar with the cattle tick on his desk again. He thought the students could guess what would happend today than. Since there was only one more unforgivable curse to discuss. Once he had looked everyone in the eye and welcomed them he closed the door and walked to the front of the classroom, turning around and looked serious and focused. '' Goodmorning everyone.'' Noel greeted them with an quick friendly smile.

The last curse was not easy to show to others, he didn't know the stories of all of his students and he didn't need to know. But seeing death was not something easy. And he didn't felt good about showing them, but like with the cruciatus curse he kept the bigger picture inside his mind. And it was part of what he had to teach the students. '' Today, as it would be no suprise. I will demonstrate the last of the Unforgivable Curses.'' He than started and looked around the room with an serious look. '' The Killing Curse.'' He said to them. Since he didn't know all those stories and he wanted to give the students a choice if they would want to leave the classroom or not. Ofcourse it could be important to learn, but he would not force it on them. ''Instantaneous death awaits those who have this curse cast upon them. Quick and painless, with no traces of violence and no way to magically avoid it.'' He paused for an moment clearing his throat. '' Since the creation of this curse, only one person has managed to survive it. You will all know his story so we will not go into that now.''

He than took out his wand and looked at the jar. '' I will demonstrate this curse. I suggest you stay with the demonstration, since it's part of this subject. But if you don't feel comfertable you can choice to leave the room for an moment, or look away.'' He than told them and figured they were old enough to make an choice in this. He than tilted the jar sideways for it to crawl out onto the table. And watched the students making their decision. With an tap of his wand, the little insect grew the dize of a large rat once more. He than made himself ready and looked around, giving them an nod he would start. He raised his wand and pointed at the cattle tick. '' Avada Kedavra..'' He said focused and like he had practice to show them, only on cattle ticks ofcourse. There was a flash of bright green light, so bright that it filled the entire room. Where a moment before the unfortunate thing had been twitching and moving around on the desk, now it lay still and immobile on its back. Unmarked, but unmistakably dead.

Noel watched into the classroom, to look at the reactions of the students. It would be a lot of information for him as well to who reacted in a particular way. After a minute of silence he put down his wand. '' This was all for today. Feel free to come to my office if you want to discuss or ask anything about this lesson or the previous.'' And with that said he dismissed them without giving homework.

Please roleplay your character's reaction to the lesson. Feel free to tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you want some interaction after class.
Morrie was very excited for the final Unforgiveable spell demonstration that she was practically sat on the edge of her seat. There was no way she was leaving the room or looking away for this, she kept her eyes mostly on Professor Waldgrave, studying his expression as he mercilessly executed a cattle tick. She didn’t catch his face at the exact moment he cast the curse as her vision was blinded by the flash of green light. She tried blinking quickly to try clear the stars from her eyes, like when a camera flash goes off too close. By the time her vision returned, the tick was obviously dead. "Aww, shame," Morrie muttered, not about the ticks death, but because she hadn't been able to watch the exact moment it happened. She sighed, looking at it one last time before gathering her things and leaving as soon as the class was dismissed.
If the last lesson had been rough in Apolline’s mind, this was about to be just so much worse. She couldn’t not go though, if her mother found out and it was an important lesson, though she wished she didn’t have to actually see it. Apolline walked into the room and took a seat, regretting how close to the front she was. She didn’t watch, couldn’t bring herself to actually watch the creatures death and was glad she wasn’t made to. She saw the flash of green and that was it. She nodded at what the professor said after and then was just glad she was able to leave the room.
Kyousuke still felt that strangeness in his chest - something he couldn't quite identify. He took a few notes down and then kept on to watch, determined not to look away. He couldn't shy away from something like this - it was an important educational opportunity, or at least that's what he told himself. A bright flash of green light surprised him by its intensity however, and he missed the exact moment the tick passed. With the lesson over, Kyousuke packed away his things, still not sure how he felt about all of this but mostly just wanting to do well in exams, when it came down to it.

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