Closed Loss after loss

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx did not have any sort of options. If he tried to break against the arranged marriage, he would be risking his life and the girl's. No matter how he felt, he could not risk someone's life. And if he tried to marry someone like Callie, well, he would need personal protection from Kalif Styx, who hated werewolves with a passion. There was no way that Kalif would keep him safe. And he was not sure if Callie cared for him as much as he did. Dante thought that he really loved her. As much as a teenager could love their girlfriend or boyfriend. Dante invited Callie down to the lakefront prior to the game, and then Hufflepuff went and lost against Ravenclaw. And now he was going to talk about the fact that his mother had been bothering him to break up with her for over a year, and was desperate enough to resort to an official contract? Dante picked up a rock and tossed it across the water. "This is so not fair," Dante muttered as he picked up another rock and hurled it as far as he could this time. "I'm a bloody werewolf, what does it matter who I end up with?"
It had been disappointing for sure when they had lost the game. she had really wanted a win, a win would be nice. But it wasn't to be. At the very least she had meeting up with her boyfriend to soothe her a little. She wandered to where he had said to meet her, and she frowned as she watched him hurl a rock at the water. "Hey," she greeted, loud enough to get his attention, making sure he wasn't mid-throw as she did before approaching him.
Dante practically flinched when he heard the word of his girlfriend. He hated this. Every single second of it. And now, he wanted to see if she might want to brave against the odds. It all depended on how much she liked him. Was it equal? It was hard to say. "Hi Callie. Um, I have some bad news. My mom sent me a letter." Dante still had it crumbled in his back pocket. It might be a better way for her to understand than him saying it. He pulled it out and held it out to her.
Callie could immediately tell that something was off with Dante. She frowned and then took the note and read it. She wasn't sure what it meant, she had an idea, but surely not. Surely he wouldn't just do what his mother said. "Dante?" she looked back up at him, and knew that he probably would, she knew that his status made things difficult. "Are you....Is your mother breaking us up?" She needed him to say it, to confirm it, but even as she needed it, tears welled in her eyes.
Dante didn't want to say that his mom was breaking them up necessarily but it was what it was. He hated it. And it was obvious. But it wasn't really her breaking them up so much as him getting a bride later. It wasn't the same thing was it? He saw her tears and frowned. He didn't want this. "She actually signed me into an arranged marriage. It is medieval. All because I didn't want to break up with you." Dante wanted to fight it, but even Cassius and Daemyn told him not to bother. It was signed in stone now. "I want to fight it, but there's things about my family that you don't know. That I don't know. Everyone is telling me to go along with it." Dante paused and then added, "I really like you though. I don't want this to end."
The words which Dante said, that was the reason wasn't exactly helping her. Why would his mother do that. She didn't even think she was really worth fighting for if he was up against such things. She looked at him and held his gaze. She knew how he was with his family, knew how his family meant to him. Callie gave a little sigh. She leaned in and lightly went to kiss his cheek. "I really like you, but I'm not worth crossing your family for," she told him. "Family is important, and I don't want to be the thing which comes between you and them,"
When Callie leaned in to kiss his cheek, Dante felt like the world was lighting up, how she would work to fight against the medieval traditions that his family wanted, even with him having infected blood. But her next set of words made it seem like his heart leapt into his throat. She didn't think she was worth it? Or, maybe she didn't think that he was worth the effort. "But... I think you are worth it. I really do," Dante words were low, almost a whisper, and just shook his head. Seeing as he was a little hot-headed, maybe the reason why rested on his calf. Who would want to deal with that for the rest of their lives, in addition to fighting against the Styx and Zhefarovich family? "I get it. I definitely understand it now. See you around." Dante moved past her, assuming the worst because it was easier that way. He didn't feel special. He didn't feel loved. Maybe the whole thing was one-sided and she just liked him for his hair. Who knew.

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