🌹 Rose Giving your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones

Ivy Cullen

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Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
it was lunch time and Ivy had decided to check out some of the places around the castle where people hung out. when not in class. one of those places being the library. the whole day honestly felt like a massive game of cat and mouse. but she hoped that maybe one of her targets needed to finish some last minute homework. or return a late book. she wandered the aisles for a few minutes before she noticed someone at one of the carrels who looked like it could be another one of her second years, why were there so many second years. she was lucky she hadn't been born a month later or she would be one of them not one of the far more mature third years. she walked up to the student. "hello, happy valentines day. are you Amory?" she asked hoping that she was right.

Yellow rose for @Amory Raven, title from yellow by coldplay
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Amory was in the library, reading a book about History of Magic. Just to refresh his memory from last year, when he heard his name. Raising his eyes from the book he looked at the girl suspiciously, another rose? From a Gryffindor. This one better not accuse him of being her brother or Amory was going to lose it. "Yeah, I am. Let me guess, it's a rose?" He asked leaning back a little, waiting to see if he'd be right.

(Mia, I have no words how much I adore this title of the thread. Yellow happens to be one of my personal favourite songs of all time <3)
Ivy was glad that she had found one more person to deliver to. Though the boys tone when she said she had a delivery bugged her a little, he seemed a little too... cocky. she raised an eyebrow. "no, its a dandelion. you have to blow on it and make a wish," she said, rolling her eyes. Of course, it was a rose. what else would she be delivering to a stranger today? She held out the yellow flower that was clearly not a dandelion and the note that came with it. "happy valentines"

note said:
My face is still better than your face.

((I am glad you like it. it is a good song. i thought that line also matched the message in the note rather well))
Amory rolled his eyes at the girls joke taking the rose and note. He chuckled looking at it, perhaps Lumos could be left into his delusions about having a prettier face. "Thank you, you too." He told the girl before getting back to his book.

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