Fourth Years, Lesson One

Noel was waiting behind his desk for the fourth years to arrive. They were the oldest students he teached so he was looking forward to meeting the group. He figured Defence Against The Dark Arts was an class worth following and people would like it. He walked to the front of his desk and opened the door with an swing of his wand, for the fourth years to enter. As the first arrived he gave an friendly smile and waited for everyone to come inside. It seemed like an mix of different students and houses. As everyone seemed to be inside he closed the door with an wave of his wand.

'' Hello everyone and welcome back to Defence Against the Dark Arts. '' He than spoke and walked in front of the classroom. Standing still for an moment to look them into the eye. He than explained making sure he watched the students in the eye '' We'll be reviewing the Unforgivable Curses this semester, can someone tell me what the three curses are again?'' Noel than explained and looked around the classroom, giving someone the chance to answer and waited for an moment to hear the answer. '' Very well. 2 points for your house.'' He than replied back with an friendly smile. And than turned his back to the group and made some writing appear on the blackboard next to his desk. ''We've briefly touched the subject of Unforgivable Curses all the way back in your first year. This year, however, we'll be revisiting and discussing each curse. I'll warn you now that some may find these lessons disturbing. While I can understand that you'd rather skip these lessons, I'd still advise you to show up. You'll not only get to see them, meaning that there will be demonstrations, but you will also learn how to defend yourself against them.'' Noel than explained, it wasn an subject which came close to him as well since his uncle was punished for using one of them and was now sentenced life long to Azkaban. But he would think of the good to learn the students to defend in case they would ever encounter.

Noel looked around the classroom for an moment to let that sink in and continued. '' For homework, please read into the history of the Imperius Curse. And for those brave enough to want to experience this curse, I will need at least one volunteer. If you are interested, come see me after class as you'll need to sign a consent form.'' And with that he dismissed them.

Please review the DADA Class Policy for first through fourth years.

- Roleplay the lesson! The first student to answer the question will receive extra credit.
- If you would like your student to have the Imperius Curse placed on them for next week's demonstration, please let me know either in this lesson or via PM. More than one student may be Imperiused. However, this is not mandatory. And think well if this is something fitting to your student or not, they have to sign a form themselve and a parent or other person above 18 years.
Morrie wasn't paying much attention until Professor Waldgrave mentioned Unforgiveable Curses, and now she was listening. Her hand shot up to answer his question, "They are the Imperius Curse, imperio, the Cruciatus Curse, crucio, and the Killing Curse which is Avada kedavra!" She rattled off, a little too excited to not be at least a little concerning, but Morrie didn't care what other people thought. She thought the Unforgiveable curses were cool, she loved the idea of the power, the control, the absolute finality of them, and the fact they were labelled as unforgiveable which made them fun. Other people could clutch their pearls all they liked but Morrie wanted to see them in action. She gave a little squeal of excitement when Professor Waldgrave said there would be a demonstration, there was no way she was missing that lesson! Volunteering sounded fun too, Morrie went up to his desk to sign a consent form after class.
Apolline walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced to the professor at the front of the room, but she knew what was coming, her mother had warned her about it. She nodded and wrote what they’d be covering within the semester, nodding along lightly, she knew her mother would never agree to her being the volunteer for the next lesson had been warned against it pretty strongly, so she knew that it would just have to be someone else, no matter how curious she was about it. She packed up her things when she had the homework and headed out of the room to be able to do it.
Kyousuke came into the defence against the dark arts room, feeling self-assured. He was irritated when Morrie answered the question - wasn't she not meant to care about school? What had changed? Kyousuke shrugged it off, he didn't care that much about her. Kyousuke felt a bit of trepidation about the idea of going into depth with the curses but it was probably for the best. He didn't want to volunteer though; of that much he was certain. The lesson didn't last long - a bit of an introductory one, Kyousuke noted - and he packed away his things and went on his way to do some study on the curses.
The unforgivable curses were pretty awful, in Aroha's opinion, and she wasn't that keen to learn but she supposed it must be sort of important. She didn't know what would justify using one on a student really. Despite being curious about it, Aroha didn't really want to volunteer to have one done on her. No thanks. She'd rather go her life without knowing what that felt like. At least they'd be going into how defend yourself against them, she supposed. The lesson wrapped up pretty quick, and Aroha went on her way, a little troubled.

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