Closed lose one's ... slug?

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice couldn't remember much of what transpired from the Owlery to the Hospital Wing. Just that it was utterly, utterly miserable. Morrie had said the vomiting should stop in twenty minutes, but it wasn't like Eury was able to keep track of time as she threw up slug after slug after slug. She would have sobbed from how disgusting and painful it was if it weren't for the fact that she felt disgusting enough. She could feel the tears though. And well, her vision was all blurry because of the tears anyway, which was probably for the best since she didn't want to see the slugs that had come out of her mouth anyway. She just wanted it to stop. She wanted daddy, or mummy, or onii-chan. They would make things better. "Make it s-," her plea to the nurse as she sat on one of the beds clutching the bucket was cut off by another slug. "Make it stoooop, pleeeease," she whined miserably. Her stomach was starting to cramp from all the hurling.
Isabella Haden could hardly believe that her twins were now one, and she was completely done having children. A little surgery made that effective. Nine kids were more than enough. Not to mention, she had grandchildren now. She stocked some more healing potions when she heard a student come in, and she was vomiting slugs. Ah, she knew that spell, but she was sure that the dueling tournament was not happening, so how was she jinxed like this? Isabella approached the Hufflepuff girl, and summoned an anti-nausea potion that tasted like peppermint, and ended the jinx with a simple, nonverbal Finite. "This potion will help with the aftermath." Isabella glanced toward the bucket with her magenta eyes. "Do you want to tell me how this happened?"
William couldn’t believe what he had walked in on in the Owlery. Eury keeled over throwing up slugs with only Morrie making a quick exit as he had entered. She had obviously done it, the hostility between the two girls was pretty well known but William couldn’t prove anything. He had been lucky the older girl had left as he arrived or she might have flung a spell at him too, though she didn’t seem all that worried about covering her tracks. William helped Eury to the hospital wing and got her into the care of one of the nurses, William stood by the bed she sat on looking between Eury and the nurse hoping she’d be able to help. “How long does the potion normally take to work?”
Eurydice felt it the moment the counterspell had taken effect and the last slug went straight into the bucket she was holding. Even still, she miserably vomited what was left of her last meal after the whole ordeal. She felt clammy and sweaty and disgusting and miserable and she just really wanted to go home and be held by her parents but she was here in school. She wondered if it would be bad to ask the nurse to call her brother. Only for her to freeze at the thought. She couldn’t let Kael-nii see her like this! Or Elio-nii! They’d be so worried when she’d just brought this to herself because she couldn’t even raise a proper shield. She mumbled a thanks to the nurse as she downed the potion. At least it tasted like peppermint. She could feel the potion working with her stomach cramping up less or spinning. While she still felt like she was about to hurl at any moment, it wasn’t as all-consuming as it had been just minutes ago. “It’s working,” she told William reassuringly though she could barely look him in the eye after he’d just witnessed her hurling slugs for the last… she didn’t even know how long. “C-can I have some water?” she plead to the nurse, half-hoping that it would distract the woman from questioning how Eury came to be sick with slugs.
Isabella looked over the second year as she drank the potion and the vomiting stopped. That was a good sign, and then the potion seemed to be helping with the aftermath. She asked for some water, which Isabella conjured a glass and filled it with crystal clear water. She held it out. "You didn't answer my question. How did this happen? I know better than to assume that you did this to yourself." Isabella was a mother herself, so naturally, she wanted to treat the kids like her own. She needed them to be truthful, so that this would not happen again. After all, with that incident with a student being injured from bullying, Isabella was not the type to turn a blind eye if she could help it. "Or, perhaps you know what happened." Isabella shifted her magenta eyes to the lad that accompanied the patient.
William wasn’t sure what he could say, how much Eury wanted to divulge to the nurse. He hated the idea that Morrie might get away with what she did but he decided on the spot that it should be Eury’s choice to tell the nurse the finer details of who and why. “Sorry, I didn’t see I just found her like this in the owlery and brought her here,”
Eurydice could not look at the nurse or William and instead stared at the glass of water handed to her before taking small sips. The cool liquid eased the burning in her throat, though it sure didn't help any with the spinning sensation in her stomach - nausea, she reminded herself. The potion was working, she knew that, but even the thought of slugs made her want to hurl more, which she didn't want to, but at least it would assure her that there were no more slugs in her system. She was almost glad that William didn't know it had been Morrie, so it was up to her now if she wanted to tell the nurse or not. "I..." she almost considered telling the nice nurse, but held back. She'd tried to tell Benjamin about the snake last time, and all she got was lost points and being sent to her Head of House. What if the lady didn't believe her? Worse. What if she does, but nothing happens? If Morrie finds out she tattled, what if Morrie sets a snake on her again? Her grip tightened on the glass of water. "Failed spell," she mumbled. "Backlash." She didn't know if that was an actual thing, but the only ones who really know what happened in the owlery was her and Morrie anyway.
Isabella knew that something happened, and definitely thought that this girl was lying. She could not read the boy though. Maybe he did not know what happened, but either way, Isabella was not buying it. As much as she could have gotten the truth by more nefarious means, she decided not to. There was no reason to make a child feel less safe at school. She just stared at the second year as she mumbled her answer, and nodded. "If that is what you want me to believe, then fine, I'll not push further." Isabella stood back up and clasped her hands in front of her. "Just know that I cannot help further without knowing the full story. Otherwise, you are free to stay here until you feel better. And if you ever want to talk, that's my office." She glanced toward her open office door, and then back to the two younger students. "My husband is another great option. He's the upper years professor for Charms."

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