Closed conversations

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Elio had not brought Mikael along because it was clear to him at least that Mikael couldn't be trusted to not be rude to his family. Honestly he kind of understood what he'd been trying to do but that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed with his boyfriend for saying something like that to the man who'd practically raised him. Not entirely of course, but he was the only man that Elio had any association of a father figure with and that meant a lot to him. He didn't always call him Dad, but on the occasions that he did, it felt right, even if he was Beau and Rhys dad and not his, the point was it stood. He did feel a little like maybe Mikael didn't respect that, or his family, or him, sometimes with his attitude. It didn't matter, that wasn't what he was here about. He was here to see Bryce because he'd said he needed to talk to him about something. He noticed Bryce immediately, and tapped him on the shoulder when he'd approached. "Hi Dad," he signed, with a small smile, mostly because he had no idea what was about to happen. "Sorry I'm late, you said we needed to chat?"

@Bryce Chamberlin
Bryce Chamberlin had a little bit of a vision and he was not a fan of what he had seen. He had to talk to Elio over it. They were going to chat during one of the weekends in Brightstone. He came alone, for a good reason. He was not sure how Kelsey would react to the vision he had. He turned around when he felt a tap on the shoulder, and saw Elio. Immediately, his heart warmed when Elio called him dad. It was rare, but it made him proud nonetheless. He always thought of Elio as his. Even if he wasn't by blood, he was a son by choice. He was glad that the boyfriend was not around either. "Yes, we definitely do. I had a vision about you, and wanted to let you know not go to down that path." Bryce had seen Elio going down the path of seeking out the Scitorari. "Do not seek them out. It will not end well for you, or your brother Beau." Bryce knew that the future could change easily, as everything had variables, but this was one that he did not ever want to risk.
Elio froze for a moment, the weight of Bryce's words hitting him harder than he expected. His heart skipped, then sped up, his pulse loud in his ears. he hadn't told anyone about this, not even Mikael, it wasn't even really fully solidified in his mind yet - and Bryce was here, calling him out like he'd read it in one of his letters. "That's... terrifyingly fast," he muttered, forcing a laugh that didn’t quite land. He raked a hand through his hair, his usual confidence shaken. "I literally only decided that yesterday. How do you do that?" he added some emphasis to show that he was a little surprised, but honestly, Bryce had always been able to pick up things like that, even when he was a kid. He showed up in Elio's room once when he was thirteen and about to sneak out, Elio had literally only just decided it and there Bryce was. He kept reminding Elio that he didn't see everything, but he certainly saw enough. His eyes darted to Bryce’s, looking for a hint of judgment but finding only concern. That was almost worse. He shifted his weight, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to mask the mix of emotions - surprise, frustration, and anger. "Did you tell mum?" Probably a stupid question, but he had to know, to make sure. Bryce wouldn't have told Kelsey, not if he would have wanted to talk to Elio first, he was sure of that at least. "Never mind, I know you didn't say anything to her."
Bryce felt that he might have to tell Kelsey after their talk, depending on how Elio would take the news. The seer continued to take in every single emotion that was going across his son's face. He talked about something being fast. He was not sure when Elio had chosen that road, but he was determined to nip that in the bud before it blossomed. Bryce just smiled when Elio asked him how he knew that, "My visions. Since I am missing one of my senses, having these visions help fill in that missing piece." Bryce also had the 'inner eye' somehow, and he trained for it because he had wished that he had something like that to save his father's life before he passed away many years ago. He shook his head, "No, because I wanted to talk to you first, and see if I can get you to change your mind before I mention it to your mother. But this isn't something I want to keep a secret either." Bryce knew that Kelsey would want to know, and he would tell her after he knew where this would go. Bryce knew how to handle things, and hoped that this would be one of those fleeting thoughts that would just go away. "In my vision, I saw you go down that dark road, and Beau decided to become an Auror. He found out, and, well, it doesn't end with anything good. You'd be risking your life, his, and mine."
Elio paused, taking in what Bryce had said. He knew it wasn't a lie, because there would be little point in a lie. Not when the truth could be so clear. "You saw all of that?" His voice was steady, but there was a flicker of tension beneath the surface, a storm threatening to break. He turned away slightly, running his hand through his hair, mind racing. He wanted to make his own decisions but how could he risk such a thing if it was going to hurt his family? Mikael could handle it, he knew that, well, maybe he couldn't but he would say he could and, well to be honest he was pretty sure the Nightray's were a little shady anyway to be fair. He moved to face Bryce again, his eyes falling to stare at the ground. "I don't want Beau or you to get hurt, or Rhys or Luca." How could talking to one group of people make so much happen?​
It seemed like Bryce managed to change the coarse, which was his goal when it came down to talking to Elio. Bryce did not see anything regarding Elio's future with Mikael - good or bad. Though Bryce would have to admit that if Elio fell for anyone else, literally anyone else, it might be a vast improvement unless they were an ancient Death Eater lover or something. "If you have any questions regarding them, then you can always ask me, Elio. I'm not the sort to sugarcoat things, or lie." Bryce was a bad liar anyway, so he could never keep a secret. Hell, he couldn't even let Kelsey have a gender reveal party without him spoiling it accidentally. Often before she ever knew. "Will you be okay now, son?"
It wasn't new to be called son, but like when he used dad, it was a rare moment that was carefully chosen, he thought. Maybe that wasn't true for Bryce, but it was true for Elio. It made the conversation feel that much more serious, because it wasn’t an auror asking this of him, or checking in with him, it was someone he considered his father. He knew in this moment that Bryce would have let him choose whichever path he wanted to choose, and then would have made damn sure he dealt with whatever consequences came of that. It was both frightening and comforting. He’d always known his mum had made the right choice. If only Bryce would make things official. He’s always said they would get married one day. “Yeah, I think I will be. Thanks for checking in, and sorry for making you come all this way. I hope I didn’t worry you to much.”
"It is truly no trouble at all. Besides, I miss you when you are at school," Bryce smiled, and reached out to grab his son by his cheeks to plant a kiss on his forehead. Bryce did not do that often to any of his sons because he was respectful of boundaries, but sometimes, Bryce wanted to make sure they knew that they were loved. "If you don't have plans after this, I can take you to lunch or shopping or something. But if you have plans with your boyfriend, well, I won't say to break them for me." Bryce would loved it if Elio did choose Bryce over Mikael, but he was a teenager in love before, so he knew better than to expect a teenager to hang out with their parent versus their signification other.
Elio chuckled softly, though he did groan when Bryce kissed him on the forehead. Why did parents do that? "I was going to go and find Mikael, but he was a bit huffy this morning when I said he couldn't come with me so giving him a bit of time to calm down would be good." He didn't want to tell Bryce that they seemed to be constantly fighting at the moment because he didn't feel the desire to have Bryce subtly trying to convince him that Mikael wasn't good for him. He loved him and that was all that should have mattered, but his mum wasn't pleased with Mikael at the moment either. He didn't think she was ever happy about it though. "Lunch sounds great, actually. Been a while since we got to do something just the two of us. What do you have in mind?"
Mikael was a bit huffy? Bryce was not surprised. It was shocking how one letter alone would make him assume things about someone he had not even met yet. Bryce could always be a little judgmental. So, when Elio signed that he was willing to join Bryce for lunch, the father was more than delighted that Elio was going to remain with him for more than just this talk. Bryce was feeling rather giddy inside. "Good, follow me and I'll find us something better than what you have at the school. If there is. I almost miss the feasts." Bryce had it more than most students, but that was because he used to teach Divination a while back. The dreams lessons were great because everyone interpreted it in their own way.

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