Closed Finding Out Things

Diamond Michaels

~ Mischevious ~ Clever ~ Prankster ~ Twin ~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Dia was sneaking off more and more on her own. She knew her mother knew exactly where she was but they both pretended that Sapphire didn't- the usual 'and where were you' conversation when she eventually slipped back home. Dia wondered what spell had been put on her for that to happen, but she wasn't old enough and Sapphire liked to keep her secrets. Still, she enjoyed being allowed out of the house by herself at all. Right now, she was at the park. Jett was probably back home buried in his books or some project, but she didn't mind, she'd go back and help him in a few hours. For now, she was standing on the swings, feet planted firmly on the seat and gripping the chains tightly, swinging perilously high for standing. It was a dangerous game and she loved it, laughing madly to herself as she flew high only to fall back.
"Dad, dadadadadadadadadad," it was the only way to really get his attention these days. His head seemed to be so in the clouds that sometimes Honey wondered if he even realised she was there. She sat up on the back of one of the benches, her feet up in the air. "Look, no gravity!" She tried to entertain him, to make sure that he was paying attention to her when she had the chance. After all, it wasn't every day that she got to spend with her dad like this. "Can we get the ice cream? You said that if we were in Takarokaro today you'd get it, do you remember?" She asked, sliding off of the back of the bench and tugging on his arm. She wasn't sure what he was distracted about, but she tried to follow his line of sight, seeing a young girl about her age, playing on one of the swings. Actually that looked kind of fun. She took off running in that direction. "Hi, I'm Honey."
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"Huh?" By the time he'd noticed that Honey was trying to get his attention, it was too late. He'd been distracted by looking at a girl who looked eerily familiar, though looking around didn't show Sapphire around, and that was worrisome. Why would Sapphire let her kids run around on their own? Chrys didn't have a lot to do with her kids for a lot of reasons if he was honest, and a lot of it was to do with him not knowing how to be a parent. He'd already f*cked up Honey royally, but he didn't really have any other options with her. She'd been dumped on him with no warning and he'd asked friends to look after her. Now she was back with him of course, but he still didn't do a lot of the raising, he... did feel a lot of ways about it, actually, and he spoke to Luna about it often, but as she'd said, they couldn't change the past. Dia and Jett, they at least had Sapphire, she was a lot better of a parent than he was. "Honey! No, come back what are you doing," dammit, she was fast.
Dia spotted a girl running over. She slid down in a smooth motion, dropping one foot to drag on the ground and slow her down. By the time the girl reached her, she was only slightly rocking. "Hi Honey!" She greeted with a bright smile. "I'm Diamond- technically, but I like Dia," She held out her hand. "Do you wanna swing with me?" She asked, not noticing that Honey was with anyone right away. "We don't have to stand if you don't wanna but I like to," She gave her new friend a bright smile.
Honey watched the girl, the way she slid off the swings and dragged herself to a stop. It was pretty cool if she did say so herself. She came to a stop in front of her, a wide grin on her face at the potential to meet a new friend. She didn't get a lot of chances to meet new friends, because she was usually at the park at odd times, and other children were rarely here, because her dad didn't like coming in the peak times. "Hi Dia! I like your name, I don't really have a nickname but Molly calls me Hon sometimes." She didn't know if she liked it or not, but it was nice that someone liked her enough to give her a nickname at all, she thought. "Yeah, I can swing with you," she said, looking back for her dad. "Daddy! Can I swing with Dia?"
He watched them closely, mostly Honey. Once he'd heard the other girls name though, and honestly it was pretty obvious who she was by looks alone, he knew that he had to let Sapphire know where she was. "Sure, Honey, just don't go anywhere, okay?" He didn't know what Dia was like, he didn't know her and a lot of that was definitely his fault. If he'd wanted to be more with the twins he knew he could have asked for it but he also didn't know anything about them, or how to even deal with that. It was one of those things that just sort of happened. He sighed heavily. Standing to the side, watching. He didn't know how to approach this, or even if he should. He was more likely to do more damage.​
Dia listened to Honey go on, considering what the girl said. "What about Honey bun?" She asked, though that made her a little hungry. "Or Bunny," She smiled, liking that one, but she looked to Honey for her opinion. She glanced up as a man- Honey's dad- approached, originally not intending to pay him much attention, but then she took a double take. "Hang on," She leant forward a little, squinting her eyes like it would help her see him better. "You... are familiar..." She spoke slowly, trying to place him. She thought she might have seen a picture of him? But not him... "Are you a celebrity or something?" she asked, thinking maybe that was it. Maybe she'd seen an old picture of him in a magazine or a paper or something.
Honey raised a slight brow, unsure if she’d ever had that name before. Honey Bun? Not to her knowledge anyway. “Okay, I kind of like both of them, Bunny is my favourite though, it makes me sound kinda bouncy, don’t you think? Does Bunny sound nicer or Honey Bun?” She looked back at the girl as she mentioned something about her dad being familiar. “Are you a celebrity, dad?” Now she wanted to know, because she didn’t think he was, but if he was, she thought maybe she should know about it.​
Chrys watched them, unsure, really, what he should even say. He knew who the girl was but was a little surprised that she didn’t know him. He supposed that was his own fault though, since he could have gone on his way to letting her know, but he didn’t have any association with her, or with his brother, so it wasn’t exactly like he was going to show up at Sapphire’s house and just… not say anything. “No. I’m not a celebrity, but you might have seen me in a photo, I think your mum has one.” Was it his place to tell her who he was?​
Dia decided on Bunny as the girl agreed with her, nodding along. But she was too distracted to confirm that straight away, too busy studying the face of Bunny's dad. It took a little too long for her to connect the dots, but between his words and the familiarity, she knew who it was. She sat straight, her entire face lighting up as she snapped her fingers. "Boo-bear! Wait, no," She scrunched her nose. "It was um- not Christopher- Chrys... Chrysander?" She asked slowly, trying to remember the name. "Mama told me about you, there was this old picture with uncle Nyxy, you're-" Her eyes widened as she realized what exactly this meant, and she spun quickly on the girl beside her, reaching out with the intention of snatching up Bunny's hands in hers. "Ohmygods Bunny! Are you my sister?" She asked, her voice going up an octave as the thought really set in.
Honey watched in shocked surprise as the girl was trying to put something together like pieces of a puzzle, which actually worked out because Honey was pretty good at puzzles. She didn’t see much of Uncle Elio and Aunt Rowan anymore, and she was sad about that, but her dad had told her that Uncle Elio had a new job in America and Aunt Rowan was still dealing with being a new mum, so things were a little hard right now. Hearing that she might well just lose some time with her dad now too, since this new person apparently knew him was not helping the way she was feeling right now and as the girl connected the dots and asked if Honey was her sister, she pulled her hands out of the girl’s hands harshly and looked to her dad. The question in her eyes was clear, am I about to lose you too?
The nickname made his flinch, since it was one he tried not to dwell too much on. He didn’t know how he felt about Dia repeating it right now, and this certainly wasn’t the situation he would have liked to be in, rather he would have prefered if Sapphire was here to run interference, especially with the way Honey was currently looking at him, as though he’d just broken her heart - and really what could he even say to her at this point? “Yes, Chrysander, you’re correct,” and he couldn’t outwardly lie and deny being the girl’s father no matter his lack of involvement. To be honest he would like more access to them, but he also wasn’t about to force himself into a situation he wasn’t wanted and whilst he doubted that Sapphire would force him away, he wasn’t sure Honey was at the point she would understand, so she wouldn’t forgive him. He didn’t know what to do. Damn, he wished Luna was here. “Honey, sweetie, please don’t look at me like that,” but he could already see the tears forming in her eyes.​
Dia was not great at reading people. She blinked, looking between them, but she could see that Honey was mad at Chrysander. She folded her arms behind her, tilting her head. "Oh, you can keep him," She offered easily, rocking a bit on her feet. "He's all yours. Never seen him, never met him, don't really care about some weird old man at all," She gave a bright smile. "I'm way more interested in you." She tried to catch Honey's eye. "I wanna know everything," She smiled brightly at her sister, excited at the thought of another girl around. Aria was still a bit too little to play with properly.
Elio hadn't really left her. She didn't spend as much time with him as she would have preferred, but he hadn't left her. Not like Rowan had, not like her mum had. It sucked because she loved her dad, but he barely seemed to have time for her either, and she didn't know why things had to keep changing like they did. It was stupid and dumb and she didn't like it. It made her sad. But... maybe, this girl? There would be someone in her life that wouldn't leave her maybe, right? "Okay. What do you want to know?" She eyed her dad, who was just watching them out of the corner of his eye. He didn't seem happy, but he never seemed happy these days so she was hardly surprised.​

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