Closed New Developments

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
-set in week three-

The semester had been going by quickly, but time was never really a thing for Amodeus. He just lived in the day, trying to enjoy his life and everything going on in it. He was never one to worry- it just wasn't in his nature. Still, he could tell when other people were worrying. He could see that Teddy was stressed out, so he'd decided to do something about it. He'd invited Teddy down to the student lounge, and after a few snacks and idle chatter, they were curled up on the couch. Amodeus was leaning back against the arm of the couch, a few pillows behind him, while Teddy was curled up against his chest. Deus had one arm around the boys shoulders and the other hand running through Teddy's hair. Amodeus was half asleep, his hand moving slowly through Teddy's soft locks.
Was Teddy stressed? He felt tense, and his thoughts raced a mile a minute with everything he had to do. His timetable was full, his Quidditch schedule was intense, and homework stacked, stealing away any free time. Finding time to just hang with Amodeus for a little while had been hard, and he wondered what it would cost him later on this evening.

But amidst the chaos swirling inside him, he did enjoy his hair being played with. After a while, he stole a glance at Amodeus, "Are you falling asleep?" he asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It was nice to hang, but Teddy was too restless to stay like this for long.
Amodeus grumbled. "No," He lied, even as he yawned, letting himself melt into the couch. "Shut up, stop thinking," He complained, willing Teddy to settle down and nap with him. Teddy was always moving, always running, and it was hard to keep up sometimes. "You could use a nap, you know," He grumbled, stretching himself out and turning slightly to peek at the boy. "Settle down."
Teddy glanced over at Amodeus, barely registering his grumbles. Ignoring his instructions, he turned around to face him, their noses almost touching. "Nah," Teddy replied playfully, bursting with energy. "I can think of way more interesting things to do than sleep." He said, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips. "But if you insist on napping, I'll just have to find someone else to have fun with," he added, pretending to pout before bursting into laughter.
Amodeus pouted, completely oblivious as Teddy shifted, coming in closer, and stared at his friend with his biggest, most innocent look. "Aww, noo, I just stole you away," He complained, stretching out a bit. He laughed as Teddy did, before he met Teddy's gaze again and blinked. "You have really pretty eyes," He replied without thinking, reaching a hand up with the intent to go back to playing with Teddy's hair. "If we aren't napping then, Teddy Bear, what are we doing?" He asked, looking for an alternative.
Teddy smiled when Amodeus complimented his eyes. He lowered his gaze as Amodeus reached up to play with his hair, his pulse quickening. He admired the way Amodeus's lips curved into an innocent smile. "I can think of something," Teddy leaned in closer to Amodeus. He closed the distance between them, feeling a mixture of excitement and uncertainty that he was doing something he shouldn't. Regardless, Teddy knew that there was nowhere else he'd rather be. "We could always just spend the afternoon doing this, Amodeus." He said, leaning in to kiss him.
Amodeus could be called a lot of things- stupid, childish, silly. Clueless was a good one. He felt clueless as Teddy leaned in, not realizing what was going on. "Playing with your ha-?" He started, but was cut off as Teddy kissed him. Amodeus let out a surprised little noise and automatically pursed his lips, kissing the boy back... albiet a bit clumsily, eyes wide. Unthinkingly he shifted a little more towards Teddy, his fingers lacing in his friends hair.

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