Recent content by Zaros Lodowick

  1. Zaros Lodowick

    Fourth Years

    Zaros Lodowick Hufflepuff
  2. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Topics to Jump Into

    Name of RP + Link: Skipping the Dance Character(s) in RP: Zaros Lodowick Brief overview: Zaros skips the Yule Ball and is just hanging out in the hall. Additional information: Open for anyone
  3. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Skipping the Dance

    Zaros was never really one for dances. There were just so many people, and so much noise. He'd decided that instead, he would just spend some time on his own, and after a bit of wandering he found a nice window to curl up in. He was just watching the stars, imagining that he could hear some soft...
  4. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros swallowed, trying to keep himself calm. He wasn't good at this part of things, but she seemed to be taking it alright. He took another deep breath. He gave her an almost sheepish smile. "Just okay sounds about right," He offered flatly, running his hand through his hair. "The notes were...
  5. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Speechless

    Zaros listened intently to Morrie- it was just his way, staring a little too hard when people spoke. He couldn't help it, he was just processing all the information of what they were saying combined with his body language. "I'm alright," He offered back. He waved a hand towards all the decor...
  6. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Speechless

    Zaros looked up when someone approached- Morrie. He gave her a small smile. "Hello," He greeted, a little slower in his speech as always. "How are you doing, Morrie?" He asked, shifting more to face her. He wanted to offer her a drink, but he didn't want her to feel rushed or obliged to stay.
  7. Zaros Lodowick

    Open Speechless

    Zaros wasn't the best at these sorts of things. But he'd been doing okay talking to Hazel, he thought, so maybe it was time to try these dances a bit more seriously. He didn't have a date- he'd tried to pluck up the courage to ask Hazel, but even just as friends he wasn't very good at these...
  8. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros wasn't sure what he'd been expecting- another note perhaps? But instead, Hazel looked to him and spoke. His eyes widened slightly and he swallowed. "This is unexpected," He blurted immediately, wincing, voice a little gruff- partly from nerves, partly from what he assumed was puberty. "I...
  9. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros waited patiently, watching Hazel and considering how this was going. It seemed to be going well, honestly, but would it continue if he tried to talk without the notes? He decided it would be best to just ask her outright. He took the note she gave him, smiling softly as he read it before...
  10. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros watched Hazel as she scribbled a response, taking her in a bit more fully. Her dark hair, the shade of her eyes, the soft curve of her lips when she smiled to herself, the smooth curve of her cheeks and the way her earrings dangled against her neck. He took the note she offered, scanning...
  11. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros finished his page, before giving up and closing his book. He picked up the note when it appeared, but didn't immediately read it. Instead, he grabbed his bag and walked to Hazels' table. He sat across from her, opening the note and scanning it. He scribbled out a response before sliding it...
  12. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros continued his reading, not wanting to be rude and watch her as she made her notes. He picked up the page as it slipped over his book, glancing over the words and taking in her doodles before starting on another reply of his own.
  13. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Picture This

    Zaros nodded. "Usually. If I don't, who will?" He shrugged like it was the only thing to do. He looked to her bird as well, smiling softly. It must be nice to have a pet. Perhpas he should get one? But what? He stored the thought and tried to focus instead on the conversation. "I concur," He...
  14. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed Pssst

    Zaros was only half paying attention as he read some of his history book. He picked up the airplane as it landed on his pages. He unfolded it carefully, reading over the words. He considered his carefully for a moment before scribbling them onto a new page and folding it in half, sending it back.
  15. Zaros Lodowick

    Closed On The Fringes

    Zaros was quiet a moment, thinking, before nodding slowly. "That's smart," He agreed. He studied the forest a few moments before looking to Osiris again. "What are you doing in there?" He asked, trying to keep his tone more friendly. He'd thought perhaps if he could get a better tone, then...